Superhero Dreams!

Kenna ‘sabo-ed’ (aka tagged) by Daphnemaia to do this meme…

Super Hero

  1. Superhero power I want – Force Choke
  2. Why? – Choke incompetent people to death without having to wrap my hands around their scrawny little necks.
  3. Downside of this power – Charges for murder / Crimes against humanity.
  4. My superhero nickname – Darth Grievous.
  5. My motto – You have failed me for the last time.
  6. Sworn Enemy – The Incompetent Moron.
  7. Official vehicle – ‘Super’ Class Star Destroyer. (So when I can’t choke you, I’ll raze your home to the ground by orbital bombardment.)
  8. Day job – IT. I’ll reboot your computer remotely for your lack of faith…

10 Things About Me That Might Freak You Out

  1. I talk to and scold my computer.
  2. I can lose my temper in… 30s and rage for 10 minutes without rest.
  3. I can rave and rant about the gahmen in public without any reservation.
  4. I can scold Hokkien vulgarities in 12 syllabus instead of 7.
  5. I eat faster than most people… if you consider swallowing ‘eating’.
  6. I have an elephant memory… until I get even.
  7. When you are not on my side of my fight, step aside and don’t get in the way.
  8. I believe the Tali-PAP mini$ter$ are just a bunch of money grabbing mofos and a just death for them would be that of Judas Iscariot.
  9. I believe we need a new gahmen, one not run by the Tali-PAP.
  10. All Tali-PAP lackeys should be executed… by firing squad… with a 155mm Howitzer.

I am not gonna tag anyone. So, don’t worry about it.




虽然不能说得上了解台湾,但是对台湾这块土地却很有感觉。回国后,对台湾的时事通常也会关心一下。随后的十几年间,我还是有断断续续的回到台湾去。也在这段时期里,和在 AsiaFriendFinder 里认识的一个台湾朋友见了面。这位有住台中的友人的热情,我铭记于心。能赶搭早上五点多的火车赶上来台北来带我游玩,我可以说没齿难忘。因为我有生以来从来,就算是最好的朋友,也没有那么的热情。因为虽然在网络上聊过,我对这位友人来说还是一个从来没见过面的陌生人。



西藏骚乱和西方国家 “道德高度” 的沦亡

Adam Zhang’s 的网志一篇关于西藏暴乱的文章看到了这视频,顺便转载到这里。我个人同意视频里和转载的文章作者的一些论点。

视频里提到的南斯拉夫联邦 (Yugoslavia)… 现在已经分裂为: 克罗地亚 (Croatia)、波斯尼亚 (Bosnia-Herzegovina)、黑山 (Montenegro)、斯洛文尼亚 (Slovenia) 和 塞尔维亚 (Serbia) 等五个国家。但是还不够,现在还想把科索沃 (Kosovo) 从塞尔维亚弄出来。(如果没记错,好像马其顿 (Macedonia) 也原本是南联的成员之一。)

食髓知味,西方 – 基本上美国 – 又想重施故技,在西藏 (Tibet)、新疆 (Xinjiang)、台湾 (Taiwan) 制造冲突,用来牵制、破坏中国。那 “鸟人” 李察基尔 (Richard Gere),为何对西藏那么关心?他在印度不是因为非礼某印度女星成为该国不受欢迎的人物吗?人格如此弊劣的人,他凭什么批评中国,为西藏的 “解放” 代言?

还有,别忘了最近的一段 “小插曲” – 故意在奥运接近时,叫些什么人辞去顾问职位,说什么无法再容忍中国人权记录不好才如此。甚至把缅甸 (Myanmar) 和苏丹达富尔地区 (Sudan’s Darfur Region) 的冲突的责任都推到中国头上… 说穿了,真正的目的就是为了破坏北京奥运!

以上这些这只不过是其恶毒阴谋的一部分而已。其它还包括煽动日本在东海上和中国争夺春晓气田和占领钓鱼群岛 (Diaoyutai Islands)、南韩占领黄海上属于中国的礁石、表面承认一个中国,背后支持台独、鼓吹 “中国威胁论”、批评中国军费缺乏透明度、借故协助日本发展反导弹设施剑指中国等等,每一项都是恶意针对中国的。


Mas Selamat Kastari – The Conspiracy Theories

Well, the longer Mas Selamat Kastari (MSK for short) is on the run, the juicier the conspiracy theories that are spun.

This is one version I heard and it goes like this:

MSK didn’t really escape * gasp *, and he is actually still safely in the custody of the ISD. All of these is actually just an elaborate ruse with some specific purposes.

Firstly, there is one last known JI operative still on the run. They are using MSK to bait this guy out of hiding. If this guy even so much as try and make contact with MSK or some hitherto unknown JI cells in Singapore, the security forces in South East Asia will be all over him like bad smell before he even knows it.

Secondly, the ISD released several JI detainees not long ago in January, and this might also be a litmus test to see how they react, and to see if there’s any reason they should detain them again.

Finally, the ISD may want to detain certain people, who are suspected to be members of JI sleeper cells. However, being sleeper cells, that means they have done nothing that would be a threat to national security. Therefore, the ISD cannot at this moment detain them on mere suspicion alone. They would need some solid evidence to work on, and should these cells activate to try and aid their on-the-run leader, then the ISD will then have sufficient grounds to detain these members.

And that will really be a big coup for our security services… and that’s really so Sun Tzu – you make yourself look weak so your enemies under-estimates you and make a mistake.

The human mind is a scary thing, indeed. Now get back to work… I am just putting down in words some of the garbage I have gathered over several MSN and coffee shop chats.

[“NSFW”] Stripping.. erhem…

I stripped * erhem * a faulty, warranty-expired IBM T-41 to extract the mini-PCI wireless network adaptor. These are the pictures of my handy work.

Sorry if you felt I fooled you. Now you understand how I felt when you see a misleading post title.

These are the 4 screws that holds the keyboard.

These are the 3 long screws that holds the palm rest.

These are the 5 short screws that holds the palm rest.

The screws in their full glory.

Push at these places to lift the keyboard up.

Keyboard lifted up.

Lift palm rest off the laptop here.

Keyboard Connector – Disengage to remove completely.

The touch pad circuitry.

The slot that holds the mini-PCI wireless network adaptor.

Touchpad connector – Disengage to remove completely

T-41 ‘doing yoga’ – 512 RAM module shown.
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