Commentary: Aftermath of the NTU stabbing

I was shocked when I was told that a professor (Chan Kap Luk) was stabbed in NTU by a Indonesian Chinese student, and the perpetrator himself has jumped to his death on Monday, 2 March 2009. I would have considered the matter to be water under the bridge by now until I chanced upon these rumors.

There’s really nothing much to talk about these rumors but it reminds me that when the perpetrator is a foreigner, rarely is his community sympathetic to the real victim of the case. Very often, his community will some how find the ‘reasons’ to portray him as a victim. In the particular incident in NTU – he is now a victim of conspiracy and coverup. How intriguing!

I will not go into the details of these rumors nor will I bother to refute hearsay passed on by simpletons who are usually simply too lazy to verify what they have been told. But let us look at some other cases involving foreign nationals, in which there were more sympathy – in my opinion without any reasoning or evidence – for the perpetrator charged with the crime.

We first look at the case of Michael Fay, who was caned by Singapore for theft and vandalism. The matter had massive media coverage, and in most cases, the public opinion was against Singapore. Then President Bill “I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky” Clinton called the punishment prescribed by Singapore as extreme and mistaken, and the U.S. Embassy even tried to argue that the punishment does not fit the crime as vandalised cars can be repaired while emotional and physical scars from the caning can never be removed.

So, instead of being guilty of vandalism, Michael Fay now becomes a victim of excessive punishment. Neat, isn’t it? Fortunately for us, Michael Fay went home and vindicated the verdict of our courts with his own actions.

Next, we look at the case of Flor Contemplacion. For those who are unfamiliar with the case (and I suspect that means much of the blogging community who are probably still children when this case happened), you may refer to the Wikipedia article here.

1995 was the year when I first got my SingNet dialup account. I recalled the heated arguments in the newsgroup soc.culture.singapore on USENET. If I am not wrong, there was strong resentment among the Filipino community pertaining to this case. Relations between Singapore and the Philippines was strained and a C130 Hercules of the Philippines Air Force flew into Singapore to pick up any Filipinos who chose to leave.

What was most interesting was that two Filipino witnesses claimed that the father of the murdered child, Nicholas Huang, framed Contemplacion. Thus, Flor Contemplacion became a victim of wrong judgement under the harsh and inhuman laws of the Singapore, if not an exemplary heroine who fought against the abusive and exploitative working conditions that many Filipino domestic workers and laborers suffered abroad. Unfortunately for us, it will never be proven to satisfaction for those who disagree with the verdict of the court that Flor Contemplacion is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Finally, we look at the case of Caleb Nguyen Van Tuong, an ethnic Vietnamese from Melbourne, Australia. Nguyen confessed to have in his possession 396.2g of heroin when he was caught in transit at Changi Airport on 10 December 2002. Since anything more than a mere 15g would mandate a death sentence under Singapore’s Misuse of Drugs Act, the Singaporean High Court sentenced Nguyen to death for this crime on 20 March 2004.

As the day of his execution draws near, it triggered a massive response from Australia and there was intensive media coverage. The Australian government, Amnesty International, the Holy See, as well as other individuals and groups all pleaded for clemency on his behalf.

And what was the general impression of Singapore? Singapore is called the ‘Death Capital’ of the world, where we are accused to have executed even more people when compared to *gasp* the People’s Republic of China! Caleb Nguyen becomes a victim of a country not only with the laws of the Dark Ages, but incapable of pardon and forgiveness. It doesn’t matter how many lives that 396.2g of heroine will ruin if he was never caught!

I am thinking, if I commit a capital offense in a country with death sentence, and I am proven guilty and sentenced to death, few Singaporeans except my parents and some of my closest friends would have shed tears, much less make a big fuss of the issue. In fact, I would probably have been condemned as vehemently by my fellow Singaporeans, just like the poor guy sleeping on the priority seat of an MRT with his photo taken and posted on STOMP.

Here’s the best part… why aren’t the jokers making all the noise keeping it up for my fellow Singaporeans sentenced likewise?


Talking Nonsense: On “The Matrix”

I have only read Book two of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. But I remembered reading the following in one of the other books in the series:

This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

Of course, the small green pieces of paper is referring to money, and money – or rather, the lack of it – definitely makes many people unhappy

But do you know how much is your money really worth?

Nothing. In reality, the pieces of paper in your hand is really worth absolutely nothing. They are ‘worth something’ because the government gahmen decreed that it’s worth something, as it is what it will accept for taxes, and the people around you only accepts it as payment for goods and services. Because of this, people believed and have confidence that these little pieces of paper is worth something, and they become much desired. In short, if there is one day everybody suddenly decide that it is not even good enough for wiping the ass, it will become worthless overnight just like the ‘Banana Notes’ (currency printed in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation) when the Japanese surrendered.

You might want to protest, and say that every single Singapore dollar in circulation is backed up with reserves, unlike the ‘Banana Notes’. In fact, the Singapore dollar is backed by billions of dollars in foreign currency – most probably in US dollars. But what really are these foreign reserves? In reality, they aren’t even pieces of paper. They are nothing more than a figure that exists in the computers somewhere. And even if that money exist as stacks of paper, it is also backed up with absolutely nothing as well.

If you don’t believe it, here’s something you should watch which will blow your mind away:

  – What is Money?
  – The mechanism of money creation
  – Where money is ‘created’

So, if the ‘backing’ of all the money is really nothing more but thin air, then what really gives it value? Well simply, it is ‘backed’ by the fact that we find it inconceivable that all these money is really worth nothing.

In other words, we really do live in the Matrix. In our case, this Matrix is not a simulated reality created by sentient machines, but our very economic and financial system.

Instead of the machines tapping our bodies’ heat and electrical activity as an energy source, our economic and financial is nothing more than a system of modern slavery that lays claim to our labor. Sadly, this is a Matrix in which there is no Neo, no red pill to swallow and no Zion to wake up to. It’s the equivalent of a nightmare you can’t wake up from.

By the way, if you think Obama’s going to be that Neo, dream on… selling more US Treasury Bonds to raise more debt is simply giving the green light to the Federal Reserves to print more worthless pieces of green paper. That, is hardly salvation.

Let’s simply hope that the nightmarish parts of this Matrix we can’t wake up from will pass away soon… and hopefully these parts won’t return with increase frequencies.

鱼尾狮 之 五雷轰顶

我们的鱼尾狮昨日遭到了雷殛,而且据目击者说被轰当时的巨响有如爆炸声。说来这事有点怪,怎么会轰到它头顶上去了呢? 撇开它为何没避雷设施和浮尔敦桥上的灯柱不说,鱼尾狮不远处就有比它还高的建筑物: One Fullerton。有那么多其它更好的目标,就怎么不偏不倚的轰中它的头呢?

听到了这新闻,心里的确是有点不安。是否是我们国家将面临一个空前的灾难? 建国多年以来,鱼尾狮一直是我国的象征。这雷打到它后脑勺上,就好象老师打上课时梦游的学生一样。没把它整个头给轰掉,可以说是小惩大诫了! 这可否是上天的一个警告,要我们好自为之和从我们的春秋大梦中清醒,要不然就会被天谴呢?

可能是我迷信吧,但是异常的天象,通常都会改变一个国家的命运。譬如 1421年 的一道雷劈中了紫禁城,随后的大火把前三殿烧为灰烬。不久之后明成祖 朱棣在远征大漠的途中去世。从此大明皇朝开始封闭,郑和下西洋的光辉岁月一去不复返,而中国在往后的 500年 逐渐走向落后。

马士沙拉莫的脱逃,淡马锡、国家投资公司和市政理事会的投资亏损,某些部长鄙视人民和某些国会议员自以为高人一等的心态似乎暗示着我们国家隐藏着的弊端。其实我们国家的领导也的确有必要反省了。他们可否忘了民主是以民为主,而不是人民之主? 他们是否已经忘了有对国民坦诚的义务?

我们国民本身,是否也应该反省一下自己是不是太过依赖政府? 是否要考虑一下完全和持续性放弃在国家议题上共同作出决定是不是最好的选择?简单来说必须检讨我们是否过度的把信心放在现在这班领导人的身上。倘若我们继续认为我们可以不必为我们国家的前途和未来思考,把引导国家的责任继续推卸,那么国家未来出了什么问题,也只能说是咎由自取。




二月十八日的心情犹如坐云霄飞车 – 先跌落谷底,后冲上云霄。现在能把一个人的心情弄到如此,肯定是和钱或者工作的保障有关系的。

这件事当然是和钱有关系。而且这件事是今年一月开始,公司被买家完全收购后就开始酝酿。随着事态的发展和越来越多国家对本国的银行注资,在欧洲的新雇主 (买家) 也无法逃避的接受了当地政府差不多整两百亿欧元的援助。

这时候大家就开始担忧了。之前公司发出的花红通知书里的数额,新雇主会不会照发? 加上美国方面对一些银行乱发花红的口诛笔伐,大家就更忧心忡忡。而且新雇主的首席执行官还说了些什么 ‘花红是额外的奖励,它首先取决于公司的业绩,之后才以个人的表现来衡量。’

放屁! 日子好时 “论功行赏” 的情况从来没有出现过,日子不好时拿我们来 “垫尸底” 的情况就常有。哇塞,金钱挂帅和资本主义代表的投资银行突然的变共产党啦!

各位可能觉得我贪得无厌,或者不知道事态的严重。但是以我这样的小职员来讲,拿到花红的数额完全无法和那些上级相比。因为那数目对他们来说就如零钱罢了。所以,在以下的日子里是否还会被雇用也是一个问题的当儿,同事们 (包括我在内) 都渴望能有花红。因此大家都非常关注上月 18日 (星期三) 新雇主发表的业绩报告。

不出所料,业绩可以用惨不忍睹来形容,亏损的数额有如天文数字。最大的震撼是首席执行官宣布花红是一分钱也不会发的。他还说了些什么 “不应该花那些自己没赚到的钱” 的大道理。但他可有扪心自问,问题是谁弄出来的? 那些人现在还在为公司工作吗? 这群搞什么 “信用衍生品” 的浑蛋得到报应了吗? 还是在这些烂摊子被发现之前就从公司里好好的敲了一笔,现在正在享受人生,留下我们来收拾呢?

望着公司里垂头丧气的外汇交易员,虽然觉得过去他们的态度非常嚣张,这时候倒反而有点同情他们,甚至可以了解为何忿忿不平。 因为,这祸不是他们闯出来的啊! 而且,新加坡的分行本身不但没有亏本而且还达到 2008 年所设的目标再加两成,但他们 (和我们这些支援他们的部门) 却在这里承受着责备和代价! 回顾这八年,两边都表现好时,欧洲那群人有更多花红我们的却从来没有增加。我们分行的表现不好,就没花红。我们表现好但欧洲表现不好,也不见得有更多的好处。如果两边都不好就更没话说了。就像抛硬币,字和花都是他们赢… 有谁能不气愤啊?

4:16pm 总公司方面发出的电邮。简单来说就是之前首席执行官之前那视频的文字版。这时候很多人都没什么心情工作了 – 交易员的 “领导” 也正和他们开着会,也有人趁这时候溜到楼下 “喝茶和抽烟” 去了。其余的不是上网浏缆,就是打私人电话。反正,勤劳和努力都是徒劳… 这时候大伙的心情都到了谷底,不难理解此刻其实比平时都更期待下班吧? 嘿…

下班之后,我拖着沉重的脚步步行到滨海城和朋友吃晚餐。途中,从黑莓 (Blackberry) 上看到了总公司方面傍晚 6:43pm 的新电邮。这时我人在浮尔敦桥上,缓缓的走向滨海城,心里正纳闷: “不发就不发嘛! 有屁就一次过放完,干嘛那么啰唆? “

电邮里重复之前公司处境如何艰难的陈腔滥调。但是这回有些不同,里面还加了一些细节,譬如高职位和管理层是是完全没有花红,还有什么职位的花红是完全没有影响的。还有因为公司认同大家为公司的努力,所以不包含在以上的会有一次性的 1000 欧元奖赏。

看了一头雾水的我,给上司发了电邮询问是否那不受影响的是指我们。上司是马上回复的: “看来的确如此。我相信我的英文理解能力,但是我对这新的管理层没什么信心,劝你最好还是等钱入袋了才庆祝。明天我找人事部问个清楚。”



: 钱是一个星期后 (25日) 就发给我们了。虽然这事告一段落,下来的日子里工作保障的问题还是困扰着我们。希望大家未来的一到两年里都还有工作吧。


Commentary – Hari Sombong

If you are wondering what the title is about… it’s been a year since 27 February 2008. The significance of it? It’s the day Mas Selamat bin Kastari escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre. At this point of time, it is certain that no one is any wiser as to the fate of Mas Selamat.

No credible information of whereabouts of Mas Selamat Kastari
Channel NewsAsia – Friday, February 6

SINGAPORE : Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng said his ministry also has no credible information on the whereabouts of Mas Selamat Kestari, the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) leader who escaped last year.

Yes, it’s the one year anniversary of one of the most astounding and perhaps the quickest escapes ever in Singapore history. It has to be Mas Selamat’s very own Hari Sombong. I wondered, when his JI brothers sees him in his hideout on the day itself, will they all greet him with Selamat Hari, Mas Selamat!?

Several weeks after his escape, the authorities were still saying that he might still be in Singapore. I wonder which clown will still be saying that today. Definitely not the very clown who didn’t need to take any responsibilities! It reminds me of a friend’s response when I asked him whether he thinks Mas Selamat is in Singapore. This is his reply:

Brudder… sekarang Mas Selamat minum teh botol, makan rendang, merokok dan relacking di Indonesia lah…

Anyway, the guy who will never take any responsibilities, wouldn’t have taken it even if he has his head in it after he’s led to the pile of dung. Looking at him, sometimes one might even wonder if he can find his own ass with both hands even with the lights on. *sigh*

Song taken from The Mr Brown Show
Click the ‘Play’ button to start

Military Terms: Chinese – English translation
分导式多核弹头 – MIRV (Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle)
雷达散射截面 – RCS (Radar Cross-Section)


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