It has almost been a year since the acquisition of my employer by another company, but only lately has it caused me to feel quite down. The relocation under one roof is almost completed and thus we are getting less busy. Even though our position in the merged entity is now confirmed, it would appear to me that our days in the new entity might not be long as there’s some discussion on outsourcing going on. Granted we would likely be employed by the firm taking up the outsourcing, I don’t find that prospect appealing even though the consolation is that I will likely continue to be employed. Personally speaking – I wished the person who first conceived outsourcing was never born, and since he was, I wished he would die a terrible death and I’ll be there to witness it.
On top of which, the chances is that a lot of my current colleagues will most likely soon be leaving – either because of headcount redundancy, or because they find it difficult to adopt to the new environment. While I have no problems with the new colleagues in my department, since there is usually little office politics among IT guys, some of the colleagues in other departments have discussed their lack of prospects in the new entity and bitched about their less than cooperative colleagues who generally treat us from the bought over firm like refugees and second-class citizens in spite of the top management’s seeming efforts to create an warm and welcoming environment. Even where some might get a confirmed position in the new entity, they actually prefer to be retrenched and hoped for generous retrenchment package instead. That is the reason why even though there is a great view at the new office (see below) – we almost seem like we are at the top of the world – morale among some of us who would like to stay remained at an all-time low.
Leaving a place one has worked for almost 8 years is difficult, and the impending changes at times make me feel that life is really not that easy in Singapore. Why we would feel that way is something that the likes of Wee Shumin, elitist little brats born with a silver spoon in their mouth, will never understand. The need to get use to the new office and new colleagues, and adapting to the different practices and culture of the new entity only add on to that feeling of deep loss. The new lunching places in the vicinity only made it worse – the loss of my usual lunch partner, the even greater difficulty to find a seat during lunch compared to the eating places in Raffles Place, along with the ever present long queues at the stalls makes the place seemed more hostile than it actually is. At times when I passed by Raffles Place, I even felt a tad of sadness. That explains why even while I generally gave the NDP Fireworks a miss, I had gone back to the old office this year to try and capture some photos of it. It would be the last time we get to see the fireworks up close and in comfort. Too bad my pathetic photography skills failed to capture the full glory of the NDP after dark and the fireworks (see below – include night shots from the new office as well).
Anyway, these are some of the reason why I took the opportunity to take some leave and enjoy a super long weekend. We have a lot of leave under the existing employment benefits, and there is no compensation for any ‘unconsumed’ leave. I thank God that the there were showers over those days I am on leave keeping the weather cool, and I took the opportunity to visit Hort Park and part of the Southern Ridges which I wanted to for a long time.
It was a walk in nature which I enjoyed. Though my spirits was not at all lifted after the walk, it was still a walk much needed. While it was hardly a work-out, the walk took me almost 2 hours, at times going uphill and giving my leg and thigh muscles some long needed stretching. Even though the scenery was not as breath-taking as the Peak in Hong Kong, the scenery on the way up to Faber Peak was impressive. I am glad to discovered them and did my best to capture them in photos.
Let me take the opportunity to share it here.
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