Random Discourse – Heather Chua

Well, it is not very often someone writes something utterly stupid that I get a good laugh. This piece from Heather Chua definitely ranks up there with Xiaxue’s pro-PAP piece during the 2011 General Elections. After all, that talk about the Prime Minister, Mr Tan Chuan-Jin and Geoerge Yeo being the only ones who are considered to have made sacrifices definitely came from the same vine as Xiaxue’s utterly uninformed piece. While Xiaxue should just stick with her usual stuff and stay away from the political discourse, Heather Chua should keep her big mouth shut on the matter of NS (National Service).

Personally, I ain’t complaining about the quality of PAP supporters like these. After all, they have outsourced their thinking completely to the men-in-white and they simply suck it up regardless of what the PAP throws at them. Then again, perhaps not. I pity their husbands, and also the rest of the 39.9% of us.

Article taken from Facebook.
‘Mass facepalm’ watermark added to to emphasize my point.

For someone who has no NS obligations at all, it is quite hilarious when Heather Chua even dare utter about having our NSF (Full time National Servicemen) trained by Israelis. Does she not know even Israeli women served NS to defend the Jewish State from her enemies? Let me guess, perhaps the only thing she knew about the Israeli trainers was after she watched “Ah Boyz to Men” or after going to the Army Open House last year? It doesn’t matter that I am wrong about that, because there’s really quite a number of us who can talk about Israeli trainers too. In fact, we probably can do so in more vivid details, as if we have been there personally to experience thetekan.

The combat troops maybe the blade of the sword, but the support troops would be the hilt in which a warrior holds his weapon. For Heather Chua to denigrate the non-combat NSFs, shows her complete lack of understanding about the military. She can quit hiding her elitism behind the praises she sings of our political leaders with military background and also the combat troops because it doesn’t mitigate what she has said. Basically, it’s as good as saying “No offense but fxxk you anyway.”

Why single out the storemen and clerks for her derision? Is the life of an army clerk easy? For her information, I doubt any of the officers type their own documents. They probably consider those tasks to be beneath them and a clerk will be assigned to do it. Oh yes, the clerk is told what to type, but it will be the clerk’s responsibility to ensure that there are no errors or the officer will give the clerk hell.

I suspect, if Heather Chua has a husband and in the event of his death in service of the nation, it would be a clerk who would be preparing the document to send her the bad news. It will also be a clerk who will be identifying what sort of compensation her husband will be getting. Did she imagine that an officer would be doing all that? Perhaps. That’s because someone who comes knocking on the door might be an officer, an warrant officer or an NCO. Not the ‘chow clerk’ that she looked down on, right?

Next, logistics plays a big part in military operations. There used to be a time when the SAF maintains its own stores instead of subcontracting it to defense contractors. The storemen’s role back then, would be to maintain the equipment in those stores when they are not in use. For e.g. guess who keeps the tow bars from rust and well oiled in the vehicle store so that when it is needed, it will not be dysfunctional? Did she imagine the officers to be maintaining the store which the SAF (Singapore Armed Forces) will be utilising when Operationally Ready NSmen (aka “reservists”) are mobilised in the event of war? If Heather Chua thinks that the officers are the ones that does all these work, and the storemen and clerks have their life easy, then perhaps it is high time we implement NS for women and have them staff these ‘sin lang’ (aka relax, no-pressure) positions.

Since those tasks are so easy and people just sit there as ‘tua peh kong’ doing nothing, it should be a difficulty for women like her to fill those positions right? She probably wouldn’t complain either, because she can look on the bright side as she can keep fit – perhaps even cosplay as Lara Croft *oh, the horror!* – and she gets to learn shooting and play with the SAF’s modern SAR-21 rifles too.

In fact, we might even be able to worry less about the low TFR (Total Fertility Rate) and aim for a lower population in 2030. Thank you, Heather for pointing this out so the government and SAF can evaluate the feasibility of channelling those men from vocations she despises into other more worthy, combat positions and solve the SAF’s manpower problems. In fact, even AWARE should be pleased too. NS for women will further the equality between the sexes in this country!


李葉明這個人真是個俗仔、下三滥的瘪三。自己在新加坡和網民交手后鎩羽而歸,竟然還寫洋洋得意寫到外國… 噢不,是他祖國中國的 《國際先驅導報》 去了。實在很可笑!因為我腦海裡浮現了一個金枝玉葉的公主,嫁出去了還回到宫里向她那皇帝老爹申诉她在婆家如何不公平的待遇的影像。好好的一個男兒漢,行為那麼的幼稚又像個娘們。他這樣新公民,應該不會就是我們國家所謂的外來人材吧?他到底何德何能,憑什麼入籍新加坡的?

李葉明要知道,當新加坡民主黨的徐顺全博士去参加一些外國的人權會議時,很多时候一些新加坡國民都認為他不應該聯合外國人來干預、甚至 顛覆 我们的國家。我們對一個這裡出生的公民都如此,難道對新公民難道要更寬容寫?如果李葉明还知道什么是廉耻,最好放弃新加坡的公民權,乖乖的回去出生的地方。

李葉明說有網頁上散佈一些對他帶有殺傷力的話我也略有所闻。因為這些都是源自一個带有誣衊和誹謗性的視頻。但視頻上載了至少半年,不是因為和劉程强議員的開始笔战才出现的。雖然是在李葉明攻擊工人黨後才被人重新挖掘出来,但這絕非什么所谓的 “蓝色恐怖”!在毫無證據的情況下如何把兩件事扯在一起?難道就如我們廣東人說的,”有鬚就係老豆” (意思:有鬍子就是爸爸)?

很明顯的老早就有人对他非常不满,要不然怎么会半年前就上載了這麼一個不像樣的視頻?冰封三尺非一日之寒,有人借這個機會再公開視頻顯然是有預謀的!我有理由懷疑和上載視頻的人結怨已久,也極可能是他在鄉宗總會裡認識的人。要不怎麼會偏偏在那方面也下手,但卻沒對報館和他雇主那方面也搞他?李葉明自己難道不需要反省過去的所作所為,思考一下為何在半年前就讓人如此狠毒的攻擊他嗎?(注: 老實說,雖然我很不屑李葉明的為人,但是我完全不贊成也不認同視頻的內容。當我第一次在 Facebook 見到它的時候,我毫無猶豫的告訴所有發那帖子的人說: “這視頻裡的指責,很多都完全沒有確實證據的。這裡面很多可能都是張冠李戴,也非常具有有誹謗性。大家這樣胡亂轉發要當心被李葉明控告。”)

李葉明非但沒在第一時間把事情弄清楚,他還把事件硬拗成網民因為受了劉程強的 “煽動” 才如此。這不是太無理取鬧了吧?他的做法猶如 1937 年在盧溝橋挑釁中國軍隊的日本蝗軍,明知自己不對卻硬說是中國軍隊挑起戰端。雖然不適合新加坡目前的國情,也難怪有人叫李葉明 “漢奸” 了。無可否認的,李葉明的確是遭遇了 “網絡暴民”,但是並不是每個對他口誅筆伐的網友都是如此。李葉明在 《國際先驅導報》 所說了一大堆卻讓人有誤會這件事是工人黨主導,誤認為罪魁禍首。可見李葉明一開始就衝著工人黨,先以 “煽動” 批評工人黨把它推進井裡,然後落井下石把網絡暴力的事件和工人黨扯在一起。顯而易見,李葉明是不會善罷甘休的。


這裡讓我順便談談 “煽動” 這二字的意思。或许李葉明英文太烂不了解,所以我简单的解釋一下。煽動不是只是慫恿 (instigate) 的意思那麼簡單。如果是,新加坡就不會有 《煽動法令》 (Sedition Act) 的存在。也就是說,當一個人在新加坡被指責 “煽動” (is accused of sedition),就是意味着他有種族主義、意圖破壞宗教和諧、甚至發動動亂的企圖等等。所以,劉程強才會說李葉明 “致工人黨於死地”。

可見那么多年了,李葉明根本完全还没做到融入新加坡。要不然他不會不知道 “煽動” 這二字在新加坡是多麼的敏感。像他這樣的新移民根本不了解新加坡 《煽動法令》,或许连這条法令的存在都不知道吧?李葉明口口聲聲說時間會讓新移民融入新加坡的社會,但他一而再使用 “煽動” 二字來指責劉程強和工人黨不就否定他自己的論點?如果他老早就知道這法令的存在、或者它的罪名是多麼的嚴重,那他就是居心叵測!如此的指責工人黨是何其的惡毒啊?因為被定犯了煽動罪是可以讓工人黨變成非法政黨而解散的!


李葉明曾問: “如果一个家庭请女佣,会稀釋家庭核心吗?如果本地企業多请幾名外劳,会稀釋企業核心吗?為什麼新加坡允许多一些外劳和女佣,就会稀釋新加坡人核心呢?”

我可以肯定的回答: 會!是會稀釋新加坡的核心!


我覺得,政府必須認真看待吸收移民的問題,並且檢討移民措施。是時候對申請入籍者實施強制性的新加坡歷史考試了!就像靠駕照一樣,不及格的申請者不許入籍!我個人甚至認為,如果葉明不自己走,新加坡就應該撤销他的公民權。李葉明已不止一次嚴重的傷害了非移民新加坡人的感情,也讓人感覺他對新加坡是完全一點歸宿感都沒有。 而這,已經不再是言論自由的問題了!