
台湾立法院 (形同我们的国会) 选举上个星期六结束了。结果是国民党势如破竹,狂风扫落叶般赢了 57个 直选议席。加上以政党得票分配的 20席,和原住民的议席,在 113个议席的立法院总共是赢得了 81个。这超过了立法院三分之二的议席,可以立法制宪,也可以罢免总统。这不是因为国民党怎么好或者怎么强。而是中间选民给了贪腐的陈水扁和无能的民进党政府一记狠狠的耳光,宣泄了 2005 红杉军倒扁失败后的那一口晦气。也就是因为国民党并不怎么争气,现在怕的就是 ‘钟摆效应’ [Pendulum Effect] 了。台湾的人民是否会害怕一党独大,而不选马英九当总统呢?台湾的人民是否会选民进党的谢长廷当总统来制衡一个国民党控制的立法院呢?将贪腐的陈水扁 ‘抄家灭族’ 的日子是否遥遥无期?

虽然直选方面民进党是输到 ‘泻肠停’ (才 11席),但是靠着以基本盘的政党得票分配到了 14席。这可比新加坡选举才 66.6% 的选票就将国会 ‘全盘捧去’ 给民主多了。才 66.6% 的票但是垄断国会里 97.6% (84席 里 82席)的议席,这可真是非常的民主啊!这如何能真正反映人民的声音?用翻新绑大选,以集选区来冲淡一人一票制度,全世界只有新加坡这个国家才有。不管你是把集选区选民的票当成是 1/5 票 或者是一票选五人,这根本上就是有的人的票比别人的分量低或者高了。这,是哪门的民主选举?

我们或许可以取笑台湾民主的 ‘幼稚’,甚至把他们的立法委员打架的新闻当作一种笑料,但反观之,台湾人是否也在取笑我们的选举有如演戏 – 根本就是做给西方民主国家看而已?基本上人民根本没有机会真正、理智和成熟的履行一个国民的义务。当然执政党没理由协助在野党夺权是理所当然的,但是不断改革选举制度来确保一党独大,恐怕是我们这些所谓的国家领导人从来就没把我们放在眼里,不相信人民会做出合理和明智的决定吧?


新加坡人多健忘,但我有大象的记忆力。这些 ‘小事’ 我铭记于心。

Cough Syrup… or Poison?

It’s been a long time since I was sick. And I hate being sick because when I do fall sick it’s usually damned nasty. So since Friday afternoon, I have been coughing my lungs out and yesterday things took a turn for the worse after watching a movie at GV Vivo. My nose has started to run, and there’s this headache that’s so bad I can’t even sleep throughout the night.

So I just lie on the bed waiting for daylight and for the clinic to start operation at 0830hrs… since 2230 the night before. I must say it’s ten of the most painful hours in my life, though it isn’t the first time I had a flu this bad.

So, it’s $35 for a 10 minutes consultation, some pain killers, medicine to stop the running nose and a cough syrup. And the lady doctor isn’t bad looking though I must say I would prefer to meet her under better circumstances. (And the reason I like this clinic is they don’t normally prescribe anti-biotics.)

But hey… take a look at the cough lotion the doctor prescribed. It says poison. I just had some and it’s sweet. That explains why it has that poison label. Just in case you liked it so much you just down the whole damned bottle.

And now I am waiting for the medication to take effect so I can finally catch some much needed sleep. Not to mention that I am blaming SMRT for my being sick… on Friday night I came onto a train where there were 2 people coughing away and one of them were sneezing like nobody’s business. Thank you very much, SMRT!

Of advertisements and blogs – Bobo vs Nuffnang

The flu bug keeps me up and I can’t sleep even though I am having a splitting headache. So while I should be resting and hope I get better, here I am reading blogs and I saw Bobo’s reply to Nuffnang’s comment on her blog. The following excerpts of Nuffnang’s comment was taken from Bobo’s post.

Excerpt 1

…We can have several hundreds cheque going on any single day so mistakes are bound to have happened…

Several hundred cheques going on any single day! I’ll want to find out if the expense management people in my office issue that many cheques a day too… for all that payments and what not. Since there are two of them handling cheques so there must be a lot more to handle a day. If not, the two nice ladies will have to start worrying about how long they can keep their jobs!

Excerpt 2

As to the allocation of advertisements, i have to say Nuffnang plays no part in deciding which advertisements go onto which blogs. The final decision lies with the advertiser’s choice. We can recommend but if they do not want to, we can’t do anything about it. Also, bear in mind, not all blogs are suitable for all advertisements, Nike may be suitable for blogs that touches on sports and others like Starbucks may be suitable for food blogs.

That sounds like an explanation to the question on why people aren’t getting ads though I remain skeptical as I am not quite convinced that an advertiser would actually participate so actively in the decision making.

It would be nice if Nuffnang back up their assertion by showing some statistics to those who have signed up for their services just how often their blogs were recommended and on what grounds they are rejected by an advertiser. (I am not asking for these to be made public and I don’t want to know. But at least the bloggers who signed up have a right to know.)

Anyway, as to why I remain skeptical… I had wondered just how many bloggers who signed up, blog specifically on certain matters? I am not saying that topic-specific blogs do not exists, but simply saying, just how many of theare out there? And I must ask, if I am reading a food blog now, who can say I am actually not interested in looking for an air-ticket, or thinking about a new pair of track shoes? Above which, if these blogs are so popular, why should an advertiser go through Nuffnang at all? Why not just sponsor the blog directly like some have did with Xiasuay? Wouldn’t that be a more effective way to spend their money?

Furthermore, I am really wondering which advertisers have committed manpower to actively make the decision on which blogs their ads go to when they advertises with Nuffnang. In fact, if you are an advertiser, would you tend to limit your audience to only a specific group of people? With such a difficult – or unwieldy – business model, I am actually quite impressed that Nuffnang has gone as far as becoming the ‘No. 1 blog advertising firm in South East Asia’ … or something to that effect.

Excerpt 3

… I can only say of all negative comments, we will try to stay relevant to you and strive to become even better than before. Please support Nuffnang, we are an honest advertising medium, not the same you can say of others.

Wow. So is Nuffnang accusing the others of not being honest now? Is Nuffnang suggesting that its competitors are not being honest? In fact, it appears that not just its competitors are now accused of dishonesty, all advertising companies are implicated. Does Nuffnang know something we don’t? If Nuffnang has evidence why doesn’t it produce them for the good of bloggers and blogosphere, and in fact, also for the general public?

Is Nuffnang suggesting that those with negative comments about them are from people with the specific agenda to see them destroyed? But what’s the point of saying so unless they have evidence? Nuffnang should really just simply fix their own public image and leave no room for the negative comments to ferment.


According to Bobo’s post here, she had a call from Timothy Tiah and he explained to her that this post was not written by anyone under the employment or associated with Nuffnang.

Whoever did this… shame on you!!

Of advertisements and blogs – Nuffnang Gliterati

On the heels of Advertlets’ recent boo-boo, Nuffnang introduced Nuffnang Gliterati – allegedly an exclusive program to reward ‘Nuffnangers’ for their loyalty.

Well, if you are a ‘Nuffnangers’ of the Inner Circle, this is definitely the thing for you. If you are a blogger looking into earning some money from your blog traffic or one that has not gotten an ad from Nuffnang ever since you put it up on your blog, then I suggest you take a look at this before making your decision.

Anyway, as I read about this new Nuffnang drive, an analogy came to mind: ‘It’s like someone proposing to a girl to marry him, and in return the girl will have to give up meeting all those other prospective guys. But the problem is, there is already some talk as to how this guy is treating his existing girlfriends to begin with and it’s not all positive.’

A even better one would be this, ‘it’s like those young Manchu girls in Qing China. They are make to believe that to enter the palace and serve the Emperor alone, would fulfil their dreams to a good luxurious life. But they just didn’t realise that few gained the chance to enter his chambers, not to mention the rumors in the palace that the Emperor only graces the chambers of a few of his favorite concubines.’

I couldn’t help but laugh when I thought of them. And so I am putting them down in words as I think that about sums it all.

And if you want to understand what my analogy is all about, just visit a dozen or so blogs at random (not those of Xiasuay, Kenny Seah and those on Innit, of course), and look out for the ‘I serve Nuffnang ads’, and then just see how many of them are actually serving ads at all.

More postings at: AMP on the Red Dot;; dhope

Word of the Day

oligarchy –noun, plural -chies.

1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

2. a state or organization so ruled.

3. the persons or class so ruling.

Faith (I)

I don’t normally write about my faith in Jesus Christ because there are many aspects of my life that do not stand up to the standards of the Holy God I believed in. I don’t talk about it very often because I would be quite a bad testimony myself – the vulgarities I use, and some of the hum sup jokes I crack from time to time.

Anyway, I recalled that when I was a teenager, I never believed in the Gospel. I once told a classmate over the phone that the Gospel is all hogwash. I will buy none of that virgin birth stuff. And to an old friend I said, “All religion are false. It’s because men needs idols that they believe in all these so-called gods or supernatural beings.” (And I got that idea when watching A Chinese Ghost Story II. [倩女幽魂 II])

At 17 years old, I used to go down to the Queenstown National Library branch at Margaret Drive to borrow and read books that I don’t really understand – books on astronomy such as the formation of the universe etc. I loved watching documentaries on TV talking about the Big Bang and how things come to be. I believed that the universe is formed by one big explosion and everything that came to be on this planet happened by chance. I held to the view that all religions are simply superstition – there is NO God, and what I am reading is a sign of an ‘modern, advanced, educated and scientific’ mind. Religion is for the weak and the stupid. I will not be another of those superstitious, stupid boxers I read about in Chinese history.

Yet in spite of all these, at 19 years old, I said my sinner’s prayer and became a Christian. In 2 years, I became what I had once despised.

What changed? I really do not know. But one thing I never understood when reading the New Testament, was why Jesus Christ went willingly to the Cross. No matter how many times I read it, I couldn’t see any account that Jesus was taken by force. He went willingly and then hang on the Cross to die a gruesome, ignominious death. I asked, “If you are the God you claimed you are, why didn’t you come down from the Cross? And if you are not God, why do you so foolishly die? The world won’t become better because you did this. Your death is in vain!”

And yet at the back of my mind, I keep remembering this: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” – John 15:13 ~ 14. To me, Jesus is saying to me, “This is why I am willing to die on the Cross. I am doing it so you will listen.”

Some people had asked me how I am sure that’s Jesus speaking to me and I can only say the verse popped in my mind at the weirdest moments. In a shower, when I am shitting, when I am day dreaming, and even when I am looking at girls.

I know this won’t convince anyone that it is God speaking because it really didn’t sound like much. Some might laugh at me and call me a superstitious bump. And for those looking for a story on how much God has blessed me in wealth ever since I believed, you won’t find any of that stuff here either. Go waste your time reading up some of those ‘Get Rich’ books instead.

Still, some may think of me as delusional, but to me, God is a friend who speaks to me whenever I earnestly asked Him for an answer. (I’ll share more of these experience as time goes by and I guesss some of you are going to hate my blog from now on.)

And no, I am not mad or going mad. When I said God speaks to me I don’t mean He pops ideas in my mind like ‘go cleanse the earth in holy zeal’ or ‘kill the infidels’ . If that ever happens to you, we are not having the same faith experience, that’s some kind of mental sickness. Go talk to someone about it, and get some professional help.

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