圆满结束… 真的吗?(A successful event… is it real?)
就让您的鼠标滑过照片,您自己看吧。旧的面孔似乎没多少… 我看就算是执政的行动党换新血都没那么快。(Just mouseover the photo and see for yourself. There are not many old faces and I personally thinks not even the ruling Tali-PAP has a turnover that fast.)
I was out drinking last night at Brewerks when I received an sms telling me that nocturne has written several posts criticizing Daphne. It was even more amusing that when I accidentally clicked on the favorite (since removed) in my browser, I saw that these posts have gotten into Top 10:
Apparently, nocturne has re-posted his old post on Daphne, and posted an “apology” as well. In either case, nocturne spoke the things about Daphne that probably many people – with the exception of bloggers xueyu82 and a_x – wanted to say but didn’t have the moral courage to do so.
Now the question is, will nocturne enter ping.sg’s Hall of Dishonor – otherwise known as the ‘Ban of Brothers’ for daring to ‘swat the fly on the head of the tiger’ [老虎头上拍苍蝇]? Whatever the end result is, it no longer matters. If nocturne is banned, it simply reinforces what some of us already believed / known as a fact – that the management of ping.sg tolerates no criticisms. If nocturne is not banned, then well, what’s so different in nocturne’s case from that of dk? It begs the question why this is treated as yet another private dispute among bloggers even when certain comments appears to be even more divisive and harmful than dk’s post. I quote:
Let me remind you of the difference between DK and me – I don’t give a shit about your precious ‘community’.
Now, if anyone would allow me, the main justification for dk’s banishment from the Garden of “Pingden” was that he committed the ‘cardinal sin’ of saying he has given up on the community after he had simply pointed out that the thoughtless comments Daphne made can be viewed as divisive.
If the well being of the community is of paramount importance, then is ‘not giving a shit about the community’ not a even more ‘heinous crime’? Why the disparity in treatment for both cases? Why the double standards? It begs the question why dk was made an example of, simply for speaking up at the clearly obvious divisive actions – intentional or not – of Daphne?
Is nocturne going to be spared just because he only blogged and ping his posts and never comment on the forum? Or that he is not really known in real life to most users on ping.sg? Really, when dk was banned, I had actually found it ridiculous that dk gets a denial of service simply because he has ‘given up on the community’ . Frankly, when was ‘community participation’ and ‘concern for the community’ ever a requirement for using ping.sg’s services? Perhaps Uzyn should just ban the rest of the non-active members which just ping their posts for traffic and never participate at all in the community because they did with action what nocturne did with words – I don’t give a shit about your precious ‘community’. And that’s not mentioning all those members without a blog listed in or have their blogs removed from their registered accounts.
Anyway, I will be watching closely the fate of nocturne in this episode because just several days ago, nocturne made history by being the first to have 7 posts (at least when I made the screen capture below) in the Top 10.
And that truly amuses me is because 2 days before that happened, I had a discussion with another blogger about the ‘dk-effect’ (i.e. that posts from dk will always be ponged into the Top 10), and that Uzyn (whom we assumed to be this extraordinary evil genius) has made use of this opportunity to remove dk from ping.sg so some sanity will return to the Top 10.
Apparently, we didn’t consider that other bloggers will move to fill that position and the ‘dk-effect’ will always be permanent feature in ping.sg until the Top 10 is completely removed. We are simply too naive and we have definitely over-estimated in some parts when we had our discussion.
今晚我和一个旧同事和他的好友去看了赤壁这部电影,看了之后觉得有点是在看喜剧片的感觉。有些对白真的可以说的上是低俗和不知所谓。真的我还真怀疑我是否是在看星爷以前拍的电影。如果你问我电影里的情节哪里最印象深刻,我只记得 “还匹马有责呢!” 和 “你们现在读书,将来就有饭吃。” 这两句莫名其妙的对白。虽然如此,但是如果你工作上有压力,我看这些好笑的对白可能有松懈身心的益处吧! 感官上一看上去就知道这是出自吴宇森的电影,因为里头充满了《英雄本色》的影子。甚至连演赵子龙的胡军都有点像《喋血双雄》里的李修贤。但是叙述历史的电影不是英雄片,太过的注重夸大一些人物的勇猛或者过分的渲染英雄主义却成了这部电影最大的败笔。这部电影的血腥和排场肯定是可以媲美《投名状》,只不过《投名状》比较严肃一些。 电影的情节往往和历史是有些差别的。就如电影里的周瑜和诸葛亮一见面就犹如惺惺相惜,连话都不用说就明白对方心里在想什么为例子,就是其中的一些差别。况且,江东的东吴和荆州的刘家宗室是有杀父夺将之仇的,孙权哪有那么容易就被诸葛亮的三言两语所动摇,和刚战败的刘备结盟? 不过电影归电影,历史归历史。当你观赏这部电影的时候就用娱乐的眼光去评价它好了。如果你把它当成历史记录来看,那你肯定会大失所望。最后要提起的是,这只是他妈的上集而已。看了实在有点不过瘾,还有一点被骗的感觉。 我个人建议就是不要在周末票价比较贵的时候看。反正都是上下两部的,周末看还会觉得有点不值。 |
这是一部描绘香港这几十年变化的电影,在我的印象里似乎是从来没有在这里上映过的。可能是本地人对这五、六十年来香港的变化没有认同感吧。甚至可以说,新加坡人肯定对电影里的情节会感到非常的陌生。 电影围绕着老港 (左向港) 一家的经历来体现香港漫漫成长之路。片中中莫文蔚饰演的陆敏和郑中基饰演的左忠体现了香港人坚韧不拔的精神。虽然不断跌倒和失败,但是却不屈不饶的从失败中站起来从新开始。黄秋生和岑建勋二人也把左向港和陆佑两个在政治理念完全不相同的人演活,虽然都不认同对方的政治理念,但是两人在面对困难处境时还是会站在一起面对 – 这从两人对钓鱼台的观点上相同和同仇敌忾、和老港丧妻之时陆和妻子如何安慰和安抚老港两父子可以看得出来。 我个人很喜欢这部电影,应为我觉得它实在是拍的很好,而且里面的演员的演技非常精湛。特别是在老港妻子 (毛舜筠) 因劳累过度而心脏病发而去世的时候,和当老港看到妻子的遗书和儿子左忠和解时我可看的热泪满眶。 如果你问我看了之后有什么感想,我只能以两个字来形容老港一家的一生:错过。老港错过了和老伴去北京的机会,儿子左忠错过了受更好教育的机会,而也差点错过了和青梅竹马的陆敏的爱。虽然说老港本人一生正直,很多时候常舍己为人,但却错过了对自己家人的关爱。我从网络上甚至看到有人写了如此的评价:老港对朋友的无私,反而演变成了他对家人的自私。基本来说,能把存了起来给自己儿子的钱给老友的儿子深造,如此伟大的人,我相信这世界上已少之又少。 |
但虽然很多的错过,到最后还是有完美的结局的。父子两最终都互相谅解,而左忠最终也赢得美人归。而最值得安慰的,是到了最后老友的儿子对老港和他儿子的回馈。可以说老港当初的决定是对的吧? |