Cometh The Bear?

The Straits Times Index is East Asia’s ‘best’ performing market, beating the rest of the markets by leading them in falling 6.03%.

The lack of confidence in the stimulus package released by the Bush Administration Regime in resuscitating the U.S. economy is the main cause of the fall, coupled with a Chinese warning on the sub-prime exposure of major Chinese banks like the Bank of China and the Industrial & Commerce Bank.

Is the Bear here to stay?

INDEX Mkt Close Change % Change
SSE A SHARE IDX 5157.45 -279.43 -5.14%
NIKKEI 225 INDEX 13325.94 -535.35 -3.86%
HANG SENG INDEX 23818.86 -1383.01 -5.49%
IDX INDEX 2485.88 -125.25 -4.80%
KOSPI 1683.56 -51.16 -2.95%
PSEi 3152.30 -16.00 -0.51%
THAILAND SET 766.53 -23.14 -2.93%
TAIWAN WEIGHTED 8110.20 -74.45 -0.91%
VIETNAM INDEX 833.88 -13.17 -1.55%
KLSE COMPOSITE 1408.60 -30.89 -2.15%
STRAITS TIMES INDEX 2917.15 -187.10 -6.03%

[Fiction] Transport Operators Doing Their All To Help Cabbies…

MRT services between Pasir Ris and Tanah Merah stations disrupted
By Luan ZooPom, Channel NelsonAsia Posted: 21 January 2008 1112 hrs

There are no westbound and eastbound train services between Pasir Ris and Tanah Merah MRT Stations this morning.

SickMRT says the disruption was part of SickMRT’s efforts to help cabbies increase ridership ever since the taxi fare hike last December. SickMRT reiterated that the operator will always do all it could to assist cabbies.

Meantime, as the first eastbound train departing Tanah Merah Station at 5.16am was the first to be affected, this also means an increase in cab bookings due to the lack of cabs in the eastern area, which has proven to be a windfall for both DisComfort Mango and SickMRT.

Whether this has proven to be a success is under evaluation and more such disruptions maybe considered in the future, with the next in either the Yishun – Woodlands and Jurong East – Boon Lay stretch during the morning peak hours and the Tanjong Pagar – City Hall stretch during the evening peak hours.

Also, with the increase in taxis going into town during this period, ERP collections is also expected to spike today. The transport operators will take this as part of their corporate responsibility to the nation and consider this a manner of contributing to the revenue of the nation. If all goes well, the transport operators expects to contribute up to 5% of the nations ERP contribution by 2020 through increase ridership in cabs.

Back to using Mozilla Thunderbird’s RSS reader again…

I have grown increasingly disappointed with the postings making to Top 10 in The titles are either outrageous or borderline scandalous, or they would come repeatedly from certain bloggers whose posts leave one wondering why they generated so much interest or what makes the literary skills of the blogger so impressive.

I had a chat with Chillycraps over this and one of us have gotten disillusioned enough to consider quitting entirely. The things we discussed were nothing new, such as the removal of the Top 10 entirely, as the most direct and effective means to downgrade the value of pongs, and reducing its effect in being some kind of click magnet for those money crazed ‘bloggers’. We talked about upgrading the search feature to allow searching by date, pingster name, and then sorting them by either time, or pongs. The idea was simply: to completely eliminate the importance of pongs and the side effect the Top 10 being a magnet for clicks..

We also talked about how the influx of new users to – a testimony of Uzyn’s success – caused a drop in the standards of the posts made, and the possibility that some quality postings may now languish ‘unponged’ amidst the flood of postings. That was when we also touched on the matter of why a sudden deluge of postings at one go from a blogger can be irritating, especially when the postings are completely devoid of personal opinion or write-ups but just a redirection to certain links. The fact is that it simply just push everyone else’s post down to another page before they are even noticed.

So, we come to the conclusion that the Top 10 feature is as good as defunct, and the increase in pings may have in fact diminished the effectiveness of as an avenue to access good blog posts, and completely eliminate it as a means to keep updated with posts from our friends.

Thus, I conclude that the situation has deteriorated to the point where I should revert back to the use of my trusty Mozilla Thunderbird RSS Reader. It’s definitely a far more effective way to filter out undesirables compared to clicking the [-] on them in The only people on it will always be the people I want to read. There will be no chronic payperpost bloggers, fiction writers wannabes, and warts of all sorts.

Anyway, we are anxiously waiting for Uzyn to release an upgraded version of amidst his tight work schedule. We hope the new version will eliminate some of these annoyances. So, Chillycraps and I are not quitting just yet. (I am sure that’s to the disappointment of some.)

Here’s my preliminary list of pingsters added to RSS so I won’t miss anything when these people have posted. I doubt anyone is (or would actually be) concerned if they are not on the list. After all my opinion is insignificant anyway.

  1. Aaron Peng
  2. Alice
  3. Bobo
  4. Chillycraps
  5. DK
  6. InsanePoly
  7. Malique
  8. Nicole
  9. Pink
  10. Ridzuan
  11. Rude Singaporeans
  12. Sheylara
  13. Simply Jean
  14. Tstar
  15. Xinyun
  16. Snowbiscuit


台湾立法院 (形同我们的国会) 选举上个星期六结束了。结果是国民党势如破竹,狂风扫落叶般赢了 57个 直选议席。加上以政党得票分配的 20席,和原住民的议席,在 113个议席的立法院总共是赢得了 81个。这超过了立法院三分之二的议席,可以立法制宪,也可以罢免总统。这不是因为国民党怎么好或者怎么强。而是中间选民给了贪腐的陈水扁和无能的民进党政府一记狠狠的耳光,宣泄了 2005 红杉军倒扁失败后的那一口晦气。也就是因为国民党并不怎么争气,现在怕的就是 ‘钟摆效应’ [Pendulum Effect] 了。台湾的人民是否会害怕一党独大,而不选马英九当总统呢?台湾的人民是否会选民进党的谢长廷当总统来制衡一个国民党控制的立法院呢?将贪腐的陈水扁 ‘抄家灭族’ 的日子是否遥遥无期?

虽然直选方面民进党是输到 ‘泻肠停’ (才 11席),但是靠着以基本盘的政党得票分配到了 14席。这可比新加坡选举才 66.6% 的选票就将国会 ‘全盘捧去’ 给民主多了。才 66.6% 的票但是垄断国会里 97.6% (84席 里 82席)的议席,这可真是非常的民主啊!这如何能真正反映人民的声音?用翻新绑大选,以集选区来冲淡一人一票制度,全世界只有新加坡这个国家才有。不管你是把集选区选民的票当成是 1/5 票 或者是一票选五人,这根本上就是有的人的票比别人的分量低或者高了。这,是哪门的民主选举?

我们或许可以取笑台湾民主的 ‘幼稚’,甚至把他们的立法委员打架的新闻当作一种笑料,但反观之,台湾人是否也在取笑我们的选举有如演戏 – 根本就是做给西方民主国家看而已?基本上人民根本没有机会真正、理智和成熟的履行一个国民的义务。当然执政党没理由协助在野党夺权是理所当然的,但是不断改革选举制度来确保一党独大,恐怕是我们这些所谓的国家领导人从来就没把我们放在眼里,不相信人民会做出合理和明智的决定吧?


新加坡人多健忘,但我有大象的记忆力。这些 ‘小事’ 我铭记于心。

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