
断章取义 (I)

一般人的收入主要用在两部分,一部分消费,一部分储蓄和投资。从经济学研究来看,收入低的穷人,消费倾向较高。但是在两极分化的情况下,穷人的钱有限,没钱消费。富人吃穿用就这么多,自己能消费的钱有限,多的钱就是用来投资。林毅夫 [即将上任的世界银行副行长兼首席经济学家]

虽然林毅夫以上的谈话并非是对新加坡的现状发表的,而且我真的也只是断章取义 (taking it out of the context) 而已,但是我很同意以上的看法。所谓增加消费税来协助低收入的新加坡人 (increasing GST to help the needy) 根本就是狗屁不通 (load of bullshit),基本上就是行动党政府自圆其说 (self justification) 罢了。虽然说富人的消费力强所以也因此而缴更多的消费税,但对原本已经拮据的穷人来说,反而是眼前能花的钱就更少了。而且,难道消费税涨了之后几个月才分发的钱,对穷人现当的困境真的有什么帮助吗?从我看来,根本就是落井下石… 但是行动党却告诉我们,我们是把石头扔下去,让在下面的人可以踏着石头上来。不过行动党好像并没有察觉,下面的人是否已经被石头砸死了?

再说,就算富人能吃比穷人贵几倍的米或者二十块一片的面包,但是能吃的米和面包也是有限的啊!而且,难道富人就会每天买洋房和 Louis Vitton 手提袋吗?所以说,惹耶勒南 (J.B. Jeyaratnam) 在上周五建立改革党 (Reform Party) 的记者发布会上所说 ‘我们必须问政府,为何基本日用品不能免除消费税?’ 是合理的。这是广东人说的,用 “膝头” 来想就能明白的基本道理啊!

断章取义 (II)

政府在宣传所带来的幻像中,丧失了对真实世界的理解,宣传畅通无阻的效果,继续麻痹着权力本身,它的反应越来越迟缓,越来越依赖惯性而非智力判断。许知远 [《生活》杂志的联合出版人兼《金融时报》中文网的专栏作家]


最简单的例子当然是它在不断宣传我们的公共交通系统是如何的世界级时的同时,却从来没有看到说出这话的人放弃使用汽车改而有规律的使用地铁或者巴士。再者就是在宣传那公路收费系统和拥车证如何的成功的同时,忽略了有些公路的阻塞基本的问题是设计所造成或者本地驾车人士的自私和傲慢所致。当然这还得加上宣传增加消费税是如何的合理,但却无视小市民正在面对的经济现实 (economic reality)。

不过以上的这一切也只是小儿科 (chicken feed)… 最绝的当然就是无耻的宣传部长的薪金是如何的合理,却丧失了解和体谅大多数一个月只挣几千块的小市民的看法、处境和心情。


加价热潮 – The Tide of Price Increase

A canto-pop song written and sang by Sam Hui in the 1970s during the Oil Crisis. It used to be funny when I hear this song but these days with everything going up – except for my pay – it is no longer so.

Apparently, someone had the same idea in HK and created this Youtube Video. So I’ll ‘plugging’ it to share it with everyone who understands Cantonese. And while you are at it you might want to listen to this Teochew song too.





就冇有怕冇有怕佢加就加 bye-bye啦



Movie: The Bucket List

I watched this with my mei, Xinyun. And as usual, a Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman movie can never go wrong. This movie certainly did not disappoint.

The story is about two men, Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman), who is a simple mechanic, and multi-millionaire Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson), also the CEO of the hospital they were in. The two of them has become good friends of sorts after sharing the same hospital ward during their treatment for cancer, and having gone through the same pain and suffering that comes along with their therapy.

As Carter faced the reality that he would not have long to live, he decided to put down a list of things he wanted to do before he passes away, even though he knows he might not possibly have the financial capacity to fulfill them. Edward, who faces a similar prospect of death, decided to help Carter realise his dreams, instead of waiting for the dreaded inevitable languishing in a hospital ward or trying out some fancy ‘miracle’ cure that might or might not work.

Soon, the two of them embark on a journey and an adventure around the world in the attempt to complete everything on the list they have put up.

I’ll not talk more on the movie as I do not wish to release spoilers. Suffice to say that both xinyun and I enjoyed the movie and the gist of it is to enjoy your life to the fullest, and to do so without regrets. (And I think xinyun cried in the movie. :P)

Incidentally, a few days later as I was taking a cab, the cabbie was lamenting to me about the high cost of medical care his sister had to pay and the difficulties of she, a housewife without any CPF, is going through. He then mentioned that it is best that when we are still able to move and enjoy life, to go wherever we want to go, and see as many places as we can before our bodies fail. The most interesting part about it was, before I got off the cab, the cabbie said: “Dont’ forget, live your life to the fullest!”.

Did I ever say before that Singapore probably have the most political attuned and philosophical taxi drivers in the world?

It was sort of deja-vu… and the most interesting part at the back of my mind I could also hear a voice that says – and don’t forget this: to live it without regrets.

I am still trying to figure out the last part, though a few days back as I was talking with sicarii, I mentioned to him that I once said I’ll give my life to God, and God said to me, “I give it back to you.”

Personally speaking, that probably means it wasn’t holy and good enough for Him, and He is telling me, “Before I take it, I am giving it back to you so you can live it according to My Will.”

I certainly have much to think about.

Some have asked me for the password of my previous post. Here’s the clue to what the password is: The message on the Gate of Mazeus and Mythridates in Ephesus. The Son of God. Then go one forward.

Good luck guessing.

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