傻 B 指示书 (Self Care For Dummies)

以下取自傻 B 指示书:

第三节: 进食

没时间进食不是合理的理由。这是个严重错误的观念。时间对每人都公平,因为上帝给予每人一天二十四小时。阁下可尝试拨电点食物,如肯德基和比撒屋的电话是: 62353535。[敬请阅读第六节:时间处理。]

第六节: 时间处理

第八节: 个人事项


: 以上的指示专为低 B 设计。如有不明和无法执行之处,敬请迅速选择结束性命,协助减少浪费地球的资源。世界上很多地方将从每个傻 B 的死亡中得益,譬如苏丹达富尔地区处在饥荒下的灾民。

建议: 日本武士刀或者尼龙绳是非常好的自杀工具。阁下也可请求医师协助。安乐死是可以接受的选择。如有不明请看 “傻 B 学自杀” (Suicide For Dummies), 谢谢。

[Gossip] The HK Celebrities “Photo-Gate” Scandal ][ (艳照门事件 [二])

All hail Kira ! 万岁,万岁,万万岁。You are a legend among us lesser mortals.

Up till the 9th Feb, there have been approximately 400 over photos released. This is the breakdown of the usual ‘suspects’:

  1. Cecilia Cheung (张柏芝) – 122
  2. Bobo Chan (陈文嫒) – 114
  3. Gillian Chung (钟欣桐) – 94
  4. Candice Chan (陈思慧) – 48
  5. Mandy Chan (陈育嬬) – 40
  6. Rachel Ngan (颜颖思) – 10

The above does not include that suspected to be Yoyo Chan (陈自瑶) – 1 photo + 1 .3gp file, 4 photos of a Jolin-Tsai (蔡依林) look-alike, and 3 photos suspected to be Vincy Yeung (杨永晴). That makes a grand total of 436. According to some obscure forum in China, there a more to come, including those of Amanda S and Maggie Q which are even more shocking than what has already been revealed.

Let those who always fantasized about these celebs in the nude all thank Edison Chen EdipR0n Chentuk for the big favour. Whether he should be thrown into prison for pornography, or whether he doped the actresses to coerce them into taking those photos or not really doesn’t matter anymore. Now there is no longer a need for anyone to ‘photoshop’ the faces of some of these celebs onto the bodies of AV actresses or Playboy centrefolds to satisfy one’s own curiosities. EdipR0n has given the world the real McCoy. In appreciation, EdipR0n should rightfully be crowned the Pervert Actor (淫虫影星) for his good deed.

Frankly, have you consider a lateral career shift to be part of the Japanese AV industry instead, EdipR0n? Maria Ozawa et al maybe glad to try something new and you can also make some money in between, since it maybe likely you will soon join the ranks of the unemployed, as you might find yourself no longer welcomed in the HK entertainment industry anymore.

Frankly, I have more freaking respect for the prostitute standing by the street soliciting. It is high time the sluts acting like hard to get virgins (淫娃扮纯情) be exposed for what they are. That’ll teach some of these sluts to quit playing coy to the mass media and general public.

Well done, Kira. There’s at least one candle burning for you here no matter what the law enforcers hunting you are saying. Continue kicking up the carpet over the HK entertainment industry to expose all the filth, vermin and scum underneath. Some of them have certainly earn enough money and it’s time their income be cut to bring them back down to earth. (Quote: Sing Tao Daily estimated that the scandal could cost EdipR0n, who was seen as one of the coolest entertainers in Hong Kong showbiz, HK$10m a year in work and endorsements.)

Kira prevails!!

[Gossip] Blogosphere Violence – The HK Celebrities “Photo-Gate” Scandal (艳照门事件)

The first time I heard of the term Media Violence (传媒暴力), I was watching the movie 黑金 (also known as 情义之西西里岛、贪婪之岛). It simply means manipulating the media for a certain political agenda.

Ever since then, media violence has evolved into the form of the paparazzi (狗仔队) in which the late Princess of Wales, Diana Spencer is the most notable victim.

Since then, it has even evolved further with the advent of the Internet, into Internet Violence (网络暴力) and of course it would naturally extend onto the Blogosphere. An example of that would be how bully Bo Davis, who humiliated a local trishaw-man, was shamed and ‘put on trial’ at least several thousand times over by the world for his insensitive actions.

But once again, Internet violence has erupted on Blogosphere – this time about scandalous photos allegedly taken off a celebrity’s laptop when he sent it for repair. Either way, this is my take on the matter and I divide the entire scandal into three stages and I suspect that there’s are certain ulterior and insidious motives behind it all.

The first stage is the release of photographs of HK actor and singer Edison Chen Edipr0n Chantik (陈冠希) with his ex-girlfriend (and ex-singer) Bobo (陈文嫒), and then a series of him with Gillian Chung (钟欣桐), a member of the girl band Twins. The second stage is the release of photographs of HK actress Cecilia Chung (张柏芝) in various compromising positions. The last stage would be the release of photos of Joey Yung (容祖儿) and Jolin Choi (蔡依林) allegedly related to the entire incident.

Why did I separate them into stages, when everyone is talking about it as if it is one single incident and are greatly anticipating the release of even more photographs of these celebrities?

First of all, the series of photos between EdipR0n and Bobo and then with Gillian Chung have both the ‘male lead’ and a ‘female lead’ in them. I feel no remorse for them even though they might be a victim, regardless of whether the photos are real or photo-shopped. If they are real, it has always be my considered opinion that certain people should be banned from the use of Information Technology.

Then a new series of photographs of Cecilia Cheung are released, and these do not contain any male lead in them. In it she looked either dazed, high on drugs or drunk. I felt sorry for her looking at the facial expressions on them, even though I traditionally disliked her.

If you ask me why I am making a point about the facial expression, that is because my common sense tells me that all fakes and photo-shopped naked pictures of celebrities almost certainly show the celebrity beaming at the camera man. In other words, the facial expression is taken off another photo when the celebrity is showing their best to try and please the media. Knowing that these celebrities are not in the AV industry, why on earth would they posed in those positions in their best media smiles? Perhaps, they have a certain hidden fetish for hentai that we don’t know of?

So, why the difference in feelings for both groups when they are all victims? The reason is simple, it would appear to me that Cecilia may have been coerced into taking those photos. In other words, it appears that she is made to pose and then someone was deliberately walking around to take those photos of her in different positions. They reminded me of the photo scandal of Carina Lau, apparently taken under coercion.

In summary, other than the most circumstantial evidence, the first and the second series of photos appear to have the least of relation whatsoever. In fact, I have reasons to suspect that people with nefarious intentions are behind it to sabotage Cecelia, who has all the appearances of being happily married with child over the last few months.

As for the last series of photos, there isn’t even much to even talk about. A lot of people knew the Joey Yung one was fake for a long time. And the ones with Jolin Choi are hardly even scandalous and according to some taken off one of her MTVs. This entire last series isn’t even worth the attention of anybody, but are just the works of the media (just like this post) to feed on the curiosity of the masses.

Incidentally, a friend from HK informed me that one of the print shops of a tabloid newspaper / magazine was recently destroyed in a fire, allegedly the work of arson. It makes me wonder if that was the precursor of an organised crime, whereby this entire affair is just part of the attempt to milk the public of money by selling them such trash while a rival couldn’t take advantage of the current scandal.

Cometh The Bear?

The Straits Times Index is East Asia’s ‘best’ performing market, beating the rest of the markets by leading them in falling 6.03%.

The lack of confidence in the stimulus package released by the Bush Administration Regime in resuscitating the U.S. economy is the main cause of the fall, coupled with a Chinese warning on the sub-prime exposure of major Chinese banks like the Bank of China and the Industrial & Commerce Bank.

Is the Bear here to stay?

INDEX Mkt Close Change % Change
SSE A SHARE IDX 5157.45 -279.43 -5.14%
NIKKEI 225 INDEX 13325.94 -535.35 -3.86%
HANG SENG INDEX 23818.86 -1383.01 -5.49%
IDX INDEX 2485.88 -125.25 -4.80%
KOSPI 1683.56 -51.16 -2.95%
PSEi 3152.30 -16.00 -0.51%
THAILAND SET 766.53 -23.14 -2.93%
TAIWAN WEIGHTED 8110.20 -74.45 -0.91%
VIETNAM INDEX 833.88 -13.17 -1.55%
KLSE COMPOSITE 1408.60 -30.89 -2.15%
STRAITS TIMES INDEX 2917.15 -187.10 -6.03%


台湾立法院 (形同我们的国会) 选举上个星期六结束了。结果是国民党势如破竹,狂风扫落叶般赢了 57个 直选议席。加上以政党得票分配的 20席,和原住民的议席,在 113个议席的立法院总共是赢得了 81个。这超过了立法院三分之二的议席,可以立法制宪,也可以罢免总统。这不是因为国民党怎么好或者怎么强。而是中间选民给了贪腐的陈水扁和无能的民进党政府一记狠狠的耳光,宣泄了 2005 红杉军倒扁失败后的那一口晦气。也就是因为国民党并不怎么争气,现在怕的就是 ‘钟摆效应’ [Pendulum Effect] 了。台湾的人民是否会害怕一党独大,而不选马英九当总统呢?台湾的人民是否会选民进党的谢长廷当总统来制衡一个国民党控制的立法院呢?将贪腐的陈水扁 ‘抄家灭族’ 的日子是否遥遥无期?

虽然直选方面民进党是输到 ‘泻肠停’ (才 11席),但是靠着以基本盘的政党得票分配到了 14席。这可比新加坡选举才 66.6% 的选票就将国会 ‘全盘捧去’ 给民主多了。才 66.6% 的票但是垄断国会里 97.6% (84席 里 82席)的议席,这可真是非常的民主啊!这如何能真正反映人民的声音?用翻新绑大选,以集选区来冲淡一人一票制度,全世界只有新加坡这个国家才有。不管你是把集选区选民的票当成是 1/5 票 或者是一票选五人,这根本上就是有的人的票比别人的分量低或者高了。这,是哪门的民主选举?

我们或许可以取笑台湾民主的 ‘幼稚’,甚至把他们的立法委员打架的新闻当作一种笑料,但反观之,台湾人是否也在取笑我们的选举有如演戏 – 根本就是做给西方民主国家看而已?基本上人民根本没有机会真正、理智和成熟的履行一个国民的义务。当然执政党没理由协助在野党夺权是理所当然的,但是不断改革选举制度来确保一党独大,恐怕是我们这些所谓的国家领导人从来就没把我们放在眼里,不相信人民会做出合理和明智的决定吧?


新加坡人多健忘,但我有大象的记忆力。这些 ‘小事’ 我铭记于心。

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