To laugh or to cry? (I)

I was just scrolling through Workers’ Party @ Parliament blog when I read the following exchange between opposition MP Low Thia Khiang and one of the so called ‘elite talents’ (精英人才) of the Tali-PAP on 28 Feb 2008:

Mr Low Thia Khiang (Hougang SMC): First clarification, the member in his speech said why should we quarrel with the discrepancy in the estimates because we are in a happy situation where we have a huge surplus instead of a deficit.

Does he agree that he misses the point? The point is not so much whether we end up with a huge deficit or huge surplus, the question is: why is the Budget estimate so far off the mark?

Second clarification: He says that if our estimate is off the mark, Hong Kong is even worse than us because they are off the mark much more than Singapore’s estimates.

I’m afraid that if this is the attitude of the People’s Action Party, we are going down a slippery slope. We are not so good in estimates, he says, but never mind, there are people who are worse than us.

So in Mandarin, this is exactly what we call ‘Ah Q jing shen’ (mentality)*.

Dr Lim Wee Kiak (Sembawang GRC): In fact when I did my block visit last night, a resident asked me the same question: why does the Government have such a huge surplus? Did something go wrong in the estimate?

Looking at the papers this morning, when Hong Kong reported a huge surplus – four times above the estimate – the main reason given was it was an unprecedented year, property prices went up, they had huge transactions in the stock market. A similar phenomenon was seen in Singapore as well.

I told the resident: At the end of the day, I think the key question for this House is how do we look forward?

When the family breadwinner came back and said: ‘I’ve struck lottery”, you shouldn’t be asking, ‘Why did you strike lottery?’

You should be asking: how are we going to use the lottery money? So I think we should not miss the point. The real issue now is: What can we do now to make sure that there will be less and less need for all these social welfare programmes in the future. Look forward and not backward.

* Ah Q is a famous character in Chinese literature, known for his foolishness and optimism.

I was rolling the floor laughing my ass off when I read Lim’s reply. The fact that this guy actually holds a doctorate, makes it even more hilarious. This is the kind of replies I would have imagined Ah Beng and Ah Seng would have come up with.

Try and imagine this… Citizen Lim Dong Chiang told his wife that getting himself sterilised would have been a good idea because they can just continue to enjoy unprotected sex, save the money use for contraception, and not worry about having a baby.

One year later, Dong Chiang’s wife came home and told him she is pregnant. And when Dong Chiang goes looking for Dr Lim, I can almost imagine him giving this advice: ‘You don’t ask where the baby come from, Chiang. I think we should not miss the point. The real issue now is: What you can do now to make sure you have the money to raise the baby in the future. Look forward not backward.’

You know, if it was an opposition MP who said this he would have definitely have been ridiculed in Parliament, and by Singapore’s lapdog media until he has no place to hide. Remember what happened to Lim How Doong when he said, ” Don’t Talk Cock! ” in Parliament?

This is enough to make one weep but at the meantime, you don’t know whether you should be laughing or not!

Well done, Sembawang GRC. This is one of the clowns you gave 76.7% of the votes to. I suppose the Singapore Zoo probably could teach Ah Meng’s offsprings to be MPs better than they act… and they probably takes normal peanuts – not the TT Durai kind – for pay too.

Sembawang GRC, will you find the courage to fix this problem, the next time round? Or will you continue to keep them and spoilt them?

Blog Advertising… yet again…

Every now and then we will hear something about our ‘local’ Blog Advertising companies – e.g. Advertlets and Nuffnang. Most of the time it’s just complaints (if not the whines) of bloggers.

In rare cases, you hear something different. Even Blog2u was not spared of this curse, though in their case the matter quickly blew over with both sides – company and ex-staff – agreeing to remove their respective blog entries. (I will not go into details about this matter.)

Yet again, blog entries about nuffnang hits the Top 10 of recently. This time written by bloggers who finally having enough of their service and deserting them. Starting with Limetouch, the body count soon increase to include: Kriscell, Wishbone and Sicarii. (If you aren’t mentioned here then it’s most likely your blog has been given the [-] on, a list that is ever growing… daily.)

In Limetouch’s case, he also published his post on Innit, nuffnang’s very own propaganda machine People’s Daily blog aggregator which resulted in his ban in a matter of hours – an efficiency rarely seen in nuffnang (depending on who you asked). Of course, the reason for these bloggers finally ‘abandoning’ nuffnang, is yet again: the lack of ads, the never-ending controversy surrounding the transparency on how the ads are given out and also how bloggers are ‘tiered’ and paid. (And frankly speaking, I personally felt it wouldn’t matter very much to nuffnang unless there is a massive desertion of bloggers from using nuffnang to monetize their blogs, or when higher ups of big brands which use their service sit up and do something about it.)

Of course, where there are detractors, there will also be supporters. Blogger ylva wrote that she will not leave nuffnang regardless and stated that her reason she will stay with them for the ‘priceless’ activities nuffnang have organised and the ‘friends’ she can meet as a result of such activities.

But I wondered if ylva had thought about this: If bloggers continue to leave nuffnang in droves, then her chances of her making new friends are going to diminish as time goes by. Unless she’s content with meeting the same people over and over again, these ‘priceless’ activities she touted appears to me to be slowly depreciating in value.

Still, it was quite amusing for me to know that some actually found a special use nuffnang other than as an attempt to monetize one’s blog. It is now some kind of friend-finder or social networking facility like Asia Friendfinder. Perhaps nuffnang should consider adding a new facility along the lines of myspace, facebook or even friendster, so nuffnangers can now poke, slap or perhaps even scratch the back of one another.

Indeed, it appears to me that some bloggers are also unconsciously using in that capacity and more than just a blog aggregator and a means to publicize their blogs as well. I personally have made and gained a few friends… and make a few enemies.

Meantime, I am glad I have outgrown the usual urge to respond to the ‘creative’ cut and paste of those who never grows up and fart through their blogs as easily as they do with their mouths. They are aptly be described by this new term: 兰州人 (Lanzhou Ren). An interesting term which I believe I will soon use often on die Mutter-Ficken Schweinhunde, hopefully without any offense to the real natives of Lanzhou.

An Interim Post…

Some of my friends sent me these recently. They are funny and are accurate in a certain point of view.

The update of the delegates score is here.

Pretty much summarizes this in one picture.

Anyway, at this moment I am evaluating my criteria for linking blogs and sites – that means who and what I linked. So for those who actually read this blog – probably just a handful – you might notice that some new links have been added and some have been removed.

The reason for doing so is simple: I will cease linking to blogs / sites that with views that I disagree with and also those which publicly disagree with me. Furthermore, it is of no loss and significance in getting de-linked (or linked) from this insignificant blog, so do not read too much into the action.

These days I really prefer a more passsive way in voicing my disagreement compared to making a public spectacle out of it. Upon reflection, I have come to regret doing so in the past because it has made me some really unnecessary enemies.

A good friend once said, ‘Life is too short.’ There are certainly more important things to squabble over.

The clue to the password of the last post is: 18+1; 9 – 11 Sept 9AD; 3 Roman Legions at Teutoburger Forest; Augustus Caesar’s Lament.

The password is case sensitive and contains a punctuation. Good luck guessing.


断章取义 (I)

一般人的收入主要用在两部分,一部分消费,一部分储蓄和投资。从经济学研究来看,收入低的穷人,消费倾向较高。但是在两极分化的情况下,穷人的钱有限,没钱消费。富人吃穿用就这么多,自己能消费的钱有限,多的钱就是用来投资。林毅夫 [即将上任的世界银行副行长兼首席经济学家]

虽然林毅夫以上的谈话并非是对新加坡的现状发表的,而且我真的也只是断章取义 (taking it out of the context) 而已,但是我很同意以上的看法。所谓增加消费税来协助低收入的新加坡人 (increasing GST to help the needy) 根本就是狗屁不通 (load of bullshit),基本上就是行动党政府自圆其说 (self justification) 罢了。虽然说富人的消费力强所以也因此而缴更多的消费税,但对原本已经拮据的穷人来说,反而是眼前能花的钱就更少了。而且,难道消费税涨了之后几个月才分发的钱,对穷人现当的困境真的有什么帮助吗?从我看来,根本就是落井下石… 但是行动党却告诉我们,我们是把石头扔下去,让在下面的人可以踏着石头上来。不过行动党好像并没有察觉,下面的人是否已经被石头砸死了?

再说,就算富人能吃比穷人贵几倍的米或者二十块一片的面包,但是能吃的米和面包也是有限的啊!而且,难道富人就会每天买洋房和 Louis Vitton 手提袋吗?所以说,惹耶勒南 (J.B. Jeyaratnam) 在上周五建立改革党 (Reform Party) 的记者发布会上所说 ‘我们必须问政府,为何基本日用品不能免除消费税?’ 是合理的。这是广东人说的,用 “膝头” 来想就能明白的基本道理啊!

断章取义 (II)

政府在宣传所带来的幻像中,丧失了对真实世界的理解,宣传畅通无阻的效果,继续麻痹着权力本身,它的反应越来越迟缓,越来越依赖惯性而非智力判断。许知远 [《生活》杂志的联合出版人兼《金融时报》中文网的专栏作家]


最简单的例子当然是它在不断宣传我们的公共交通系统是如何的世界级时的同时,却从来没有看到说出这话的人放弃使用汽车改而有规律的使用地铁或者巴士。再者就是在宣传那公路收费系统和拥车证如何的成功的同时,忽略了有些公路的阻塞基本的问题是设计所造成或者本地驾车人士的自私和傲慢所致。当然这还得加上宣传增加消费税是如何的合理,但却无视小市民正在面对的经济现实 (economic reality)。

不过以上的这一切也只是小儿科 (chicken feed)… 最绝的当然就是无耻的宣传部长的薪金是如何的合理,却丧失了解和体谅大多数一个月只挣几千块的小市民的看法、处境和心情。


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