Category: Rants
Just ranting…
Recently, a bigot wrote on his own blog that ‘religion tops the list and is accountable for more deeds of evil than the good it preaches’ , after it saw a choir caroling at a shopping centre. It further claims that he ‘hopes hope the dozen who are watching do not fall victim on such brainwashing the churches are doing’ .
Done during the Christmas season, it made me felt like this: On someone’s big day when the groom is on the way to his wife’s house to pick her up, the neighbour of the bride deliberately began his funeral possession to delay the groom and to sour the mood of a joyous occasion.
Above which, it seems like it believes that people are so weak-minded, or they don’t have a mind of their own and are so easily influenced. Perhaps, as with the elephant, that happens easily when their brains are overwhelmed by their body mass.
The bigot also claims it is is speaking out against all religions (Quote, from the comments section: ‘My post was directed at all kinds of religion’ ). Oh really? What did Buddhism do to offend him? It also mentioned when responding to comments that it doesn’t go about defending imaginary friends, and since Buddha isn’t an imaginary person, wouldn’t that imply that his venom isn’t targeted at them? Something really doesn’t check out… like a zip file you download that failed CRC. Perhaps it was just referring to Abrahamic religions.
But still, that doesn’t warrant for one to be called a bigot, does it? True, but unfortunately it had made sweeping statements that it refuses to back up and then went on to call his detractors delusional etc. Here are some examples of his bigotry:
- Religion tops the list and is accountable for more deeds of evil than the good it preaches.
- victim on such brainwashing.
- the harm this worldwide delusion brings to the world.
- it advertises good when it actually condones bloodshed and killing of innocent lives.
- even those of children.
- Religious debates of any kind are unlikely to be healthy. Fighting disease is dirty work you know?
- I don’t have to. Evidence is everywhere. Quoting them would probably overload my database.
- At least it’s safer, a Christian is less likely to get killed by an Atheist than the other way round.
- It is interesting to see how people are reacting. You get to see who are the stupid ones and smart ones.
Some of these comments weren’t made in the blog post itself, but was made in the comments section of the blog. And it continue to prove just what kind of bigot he is. After all, it hasn’t provided a single iota of proof, called religion a disease, and belittles those who holds an opposing opinion as stupid and delusional. Somehow, I am already glad it didn’t believe that all Christians begin their comments with ‘Duh!’ .
Anyway, what is a bigot? A bigot is defined as:
- (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
- (noun) one who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
- (noun) a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
In Chinese it translates into 执拗的人,顽固者.
But indeed, I agreed with the bigot the word bigot is a bad label for it even when it displayed all the qualities of one. After all, the word bigot may have more to do with religion as it may have come from the German bei and gott, or the English by God. (See Wikipedia article here.)
But still, I would have been wrong to call it names or to put such a label on it, if it didn’t do me a big favor by using every opportunity to condemn religion and express his prejudice. But I really wouldn’t expect less from a bigot, even when it lamely attempts to deflect the label.
最近有一人在某购物中心看到了唱圣歌的教友后,在部落格上展开了谩骂。文中大概是说基督教 (和所有的一神宗教) 都是社会的毒瘤,希望群众不会被他们 ‘毒害’。
随后当然会有不愤的教友口诛笔伐。其中,我提到了历史上以上帝之名犯的罪恶 – 如宗教迫害 – 虽然层出不穷,但是是否就应此否定基督教 (和其他宗教) 对提升人类社会也有一定的贡献?我虽然没说,但是我脑海里想着: 没有有组织性宗教的动员,个人的善如何可以发挥?是否所有能发动群众行善的,都是以个人魅力来动员他们?宗教信仰真的一无是处,对人类社会一点贡献都没有?
该人反驳了我的论点,随即以甘地和特蕾莎修女为例,表示说所谓宗教对提升人类社会贡献其实也只不过是个人的慈悲与仁慈的表现,和信仰完全没有任何关系。之后还说了特蕾莎修女在辞世之前其实对其信仰已经起疑,来肯定他个人认为特蕾莎修女的行善和她的信仰是完全无关的论点。还说,如果特蕾莎修女是因为服从神的意而行,那他对她的尊重将打折扣。这真是有点莫名其妙。因为此人可以认为信仰既然和个人的善无关,但却无法将所谓 ‘信仰的恶’ 和信仰分离为 ‘个人的恶’ 。如此偏激的否定信仰和对宗教的偏见和狂热的宗教极端份子真的可以分庭抗礼!讲的再难听一点,如果这两类人互相残杀,人类或许会更加进步。
如此狭隘的思想和双重的道德准则是没什么必要花太多的心神和时间去驳斥。而且当此人的所有看法似乎都是以 Richard Dawkins 这人的论点为论调,心胸为何如此狭窄,思想何以如此呆板,不必用大脑也可想而知。(恰巧,常人也认为基督教徒常以圣经为道德标准,通常如此批评基督教徒的。)
我未必同意特蕾莎修女所作的一些事,但是对其的孤陋寡闻和特蕾莎修女信仰危机的误解,是必须指出的。所以从亚洲周刊 (第二十一卷 四十六期) 转载了以下一段繁体中文文章,以此来回应这位心胸狭窄的人吧。
– 林達
特蕾莎修女是世界名人。這是一件非常矛盾的事情。她是天主教修女,可是,她聲名來自救援世俗世界的窮人。特蕾莎修女的宗教內修本質以及參與外部活動所引起的困擾,在她生前就從來沒有中斷過,也在最近一本新書 《特蕾莎修女:成為我的光》 (Mother Teresa: Come be My Light) 出版後,再次驚擾世界。新書首次發表大量特蕾莎修女的私信和懺悔、祈禱記錄,表現了特蕾莎修女長期以來,始終在信仰的困惑之中。
一開始,特蕾莎修女作為一個外國人和天主教徒,受到印度教區婆羅門階層的強烈反對。但是她畢竟是在救助印度人、印度教徒,也就漸漸被接受。她和世俗世界的更大糾葛,是她接受了世俗世界所給予的榮譽。接受蒙格瑞奇的紀錄片拍攝,就是一個開端。七一年教宗保祿六世頒給特蕾莎修女「教宗若望二十三世和平獎」,還是宗教界榮譽,但是對修行身份來說,已經不尋常。接下來,是世俗世界的一系列獎項,七一年的肯尼迪獎、七五年的 Albert Schweitzer 國際獎、八五年的美國總統自由勳章、九四年的美國國會金牌、九六年十一月十六日的美國榮譽公民、許多大學的榮譽學位,以及最受矚目的七九年諾貝爾和平獎。
结束前让我引述美国实用主义哲学家 William James 的话:
也顺便引述一位网友 Adrain Zhou (Arzhou) 的意见:
But personally, to me as long as a person is happy i dun really care, you can believe in all the gods you want and be happy, that is fine by me. If you are happier not believing in god, that is also fine by me. If you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, even better! :p
No Comfort Here (VI) – Cabbie Excuses
I saw this comment on SimplyJean’s blog post.
Chin | December 20th, 2007 at 4:22 am
I work in a school where a high enough percentage of pupils who received the Financial Assistance Scheme have one of their parents who is a taxi driver. If I am one such driver, I would wait 7 minutes for the extra $4 too. $4 might be the allowance for my child for 2 days. What is 7 minutes compared to the chance a blogger who might have a chai latte for maybe more than $4 know about my family?
The comment was made in response to Jean’s post about a recalcitrant Tax Drivers who hide to wait for the peak hours so he can earn a few more bucks.
While I can understand where ‘Chin’ is coming from, perhaps ‘Chin’ should know the school which he works in, isn’t the whole of Singapore. And could ‘Chin’ actually prove to us that every recalcitrant taxi driver has a financial problem? What about those Mercedes Benz cabbies? Just the rental alone would be $120 bucks at least, if I am not wrong?
Jean made a good point in her response, I quote:
I know for sure that they must earn at least $1000 per month because if they don’t then it’s better off for them to sign on to be a paid taxi driver. Yes, SMRT has this option for paid taxi drivers, but they are only paid $1000 a month. I agree that it’s the perogative of the taxi drivers not to fetch anyone. However, in doing so, they are also breaking the law. It’s akin to stealing, robbery and extortion. But as the saying goes, “you can do anything as long as you don’t get caught”. If what the taxi driver are doing is right, then why would the LTA go all out to police them? Even if they need the money, it’s all in their conscience to earn it well. Do you mean to say that as long as I am poor, I have the rights to lose my conscience? I agree that Singapore is a harsh city and probably not the best place for people who are not doing well, but the taxi drivers are not the only ones – everyone is in it – but does everyone have to get their money in a dishonest manner? Hmm…
Every cabbie you talk to, will always whine about how tough their living is. What else is new? In fact, if you talk to anyone else, if they aren’t whining about how tough it is to earn money, they will whine about their financial burdens and how they wish they could earn a few more bucks a day! So, let me repeat this like broken record, most of us don’t have an easy living too. So, there is no reason whatsoever for us to make it easier for anyone else. There is no reason whatsoever for us to feel sorry for them if their lives are tough. It is almost unlikely anybody will feel sorry for us, if we fxxked up.
Had the LTA, the PTC and the vampiric transport operators done any soul searching at all, they would know for a fact the surcharges is the very evil system that’s creating a problem and it should be eliminated. They should have done away with it and replace it with a high flag down a long time ago and that would have dealt with the problem of cabbies hiding, ‘taking a break’, or driving around until they get a call.
Frankly, is it my fault if I want a cab in town after work during the so-called ‘peak hours’? Don’t ask me who’s the wise crack that designed the city this way where you have a large number of people concentrating at parts of the island at specific times. And I am supposed to pay for this design flaw?! LAN CHEOW, ok?!
In fact, a clamp down on call booking by barring cabbies from receiving a call booking if them cab has been empty for more than 15 minutes would force them to take that time to drive to the areas where the demand is. And when they received a call booking, they should bear the call charges all on their own, while we shouldn’t even need to pay a cent more, because they are being told to go to where their business is or else they would have to go look for it.
In fact, the so-called ‘World Class’ satellite system in the cabs should be used to inform the cabbies where the concentration of people are so they will know where to go to and leave them no avenue to whine about not being able to find a passenger while they languish 30 minutes in a queue in town or try frantically to call for one.
In summary, if life is difficult for these cabbies, it makes people wonder if half of their difficulties are not self inflicted. (The other half is of course, that of transport operators sucking their blood, and our wonderful gover-min supporting the invasion of Iraq, driving the oil prices up. Well, I know it isn’t exactly fair to blame the gover-min for the oil prices but they can consider this part of their $3 million a year pay package!)
Anyway, the operator’s high rental and high fuel cost is the cabbie’s problem. not mine! Just don’t expect me to pay for it because I am paying higher electricity tariffs due to it too but who is fighting for my pay increment? And who is always asking us to bite the bullet when the time is tough?
If these cabbies do not change their mindset, there is no reason for us to feel sorry for them at all. There should be no pity, and no mercy, until those who can afford a cab (or willing to pay for one), can get a cab as easily as any other cities in the world!
No Comfort Here (V) – Public Transport Propaganda
For the past 2 days since the taxi fare hike, we have been bombarded with news on a decrease in call booking for cabs, an increase in waiting time for a passenger, long queues of cabs at the airport and taxi stands etc.
I must say a great Thank You to everyone who has contributed to telling the PTC and these blood sucking cab operators how we really felt about the new fare structure. Let’s keep this up for more than just the usual 2 weeks and keep it going until the jumble of surcharges (other than the midnight and airport ones) are completely removed. And for those of you who felt sorry for their predicament, let’s not stop just yet. Remember, we are commuters, not a charity.
After all, these blasted operators will never wake up until their bottom line is hurt and the only way to hurt their bottom line, unfortunately, will be to drive some cabbies out of the trade by making life really, really hard for them. Above which, if some cabbies leave the trade it would sort of justify the new fare structure in terms of supply and demand. In other words, this is just business.
And if you still can’t help but feel sorry for the cabbies, don’t forget that as long as cabbies do not change their attitude in treating passengers, you need feel no remorse in seeing some of them hurting at all. It’s simply a well deserved retribution. Above which, there will be more good years for the cabbies when F1 and the IRs are here next year. In no time, the demand will return, or do you doubt the helicopter vision of our million dollar mini$ter$?
So, once enough cabbies are out of the trade, the choice would either be to continue raising the fare and drive more cabbies out of the trade, or these blasted operators will have to rethink their business model. I doubt they’ll care about the cabbies and they will just continue to squeeze them and commuters. After all, they think they have nothing to lose by forcing us onto the trains and buses
The public transport operators thinks that will be the end of story by driving us onto their buses and trains. But should we suffer in silence? Of course not. We should not stop at hurting this operators just at the cab level alone. Not only should we increase the heat on the cabbies by making them work hard for their money, we should step up our complaints regarding ‘elastic time’ intervals, long wait of buses, bus bunching etc.
Let us all report every single instance of such ‘outrages’ on STOMP, on the ridiculously trivial Stooge Time Forum and Voices on Today, and on our blogs to make the noise deafening enough that no one will believe the PTC and the Tali-PAP’s justifications to raise fares every year. When was the performance matrix ever met anyway, and every year they expect to squeeze us for some more?! LAN CHEOW, understand?!
Come on, Singapore. We can work together to do something about this ridiculous system. And let us not be swayed by all that comparisons with transport systems with other parts of the world. This is our system and when it does not live up to our expectations, it really doesn’t fxxking matter if it beats the expectation of Ravi from Mumbai or James Mok from Hong Kong!!
It’s time we fight back and hurt these transport operators in anyway and as best we could. When they raise our fares, we raise our expectations. When they do not meet our expectations, we raise a ruckus until they address our demands.
It’s not easy for any of us to make our money. There is no reason for us to give it to them that easily.