鸟话连篇 (-)

最近有人把警察在停车场睡觉的照片发布到部落格Tomorrow.sg海峡傀儡时报 [Stooge Times] 的 STOMP 之上。

原本为了博取大家讨论的举动,却令在 Tomorrow.sg 上某人看了非常的不满,写下了这则留言:

Mary Tan 在找到了一个自设的 ‘道德制高点’ [moral high ground] 后讲的多么的义正词严啊!是该警察的亲戚?是个多管闲事的无聊鼠辈?还是个大义禀然的正义侠客?

Mary Tan 是什么不是重点。重点是,不满别人的意见的话就据理力争,动言要使用暴力的字眼就省起来吧!就算那人是多管闲事,或者有其自私的目的,那也是他的自由啊。如果说警察在偷懒不关任何人的事,那 ‘多事’ 的人发布了这照片,又与批评的人何干?问题就在于很多人在行使他们的自由时,都是用着双重准则来衡量别人的。

这么短短的留言也暴露了互联网一大缺点。那就是任何的蛇虫鼠蚁 – 包括我在内 – 都可以对任何人 – 政治和有头有脸的人物除外 – 用文字进行攻击。大家可以看到很多人在网络上大肆的口诛笔伐,但在街上出现不平的事时,又有几时看见有人拔刀相助,或者出来说句公道话呢?通常都是噤若寒蝉,要不然就围作一群等着看 ‘好戏’ 上演。

说到网络,令我想起了这十几年来在网络的一些经历。在线上聊天室 [IRC / Chat Rooms] 和网络论坛 [Web Forums] 里的人千奇百怪。如今这类只能躲在网络苟且偷生的网络怪胎也蔓延到了部落格上。其中就有一类就是喜欢抛话题让别人讨论,但是却只要听自己要听的意见的那种。有时我怀疑这一类人是否是因为在现实里因为自己的意见时常不被人接受,所以才演变出这样一种 ‘精神上的病态’ 呢?

不过这些人是否应当检讨一下,自己在发表意见时的态度呢? 如果以为自己是天生的 ‘贵种’,只有自己见解是最高尚的,试想这样的人又如何让别人诚心信服呢?

不过这一类还不是最讨厌的。最令人讨厌的是 ‘思想警察’ [Thought Police]。这类人只要找到任何让他发飙的借口,就会毫不迟疑的出来制止别人的讨论或者对话。甚至假借群体来压制别人。如果是这样的一个人在网络上遇到诸如 Mary Tan 这类的人物,我看也是咎由自取,罪有应得吧?

就如金庸的小说 ‘神雕侠侣’ 里说的: 毒物三步之内就会有解药。向来大自然里都是一物制一物。 呵呵…


The Aftermath of a Flame War: Taken on Guilt Trip

There are many things I dislike in life, and one of the things I dislike the most, is people attempting to take me on a guilt trip, even when I have the least to feel sorry or remorseful about whatever that transpired.

What, is a guilt trip? eLook.org defines guilt trip as remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offence.

So just what the heck really happened?

Simply, an irresponsible and utterly insensitive muthafxxking sonuvabitch deliberately stomped on a group of people’s sensitivities. His act was roughly the equivalent of calling one’s religious teacher a babbler of half-truths, or shoving – without solicit – the solution in the face of someone who has worked diligently on it for a long time. He then refused to apologise to the most annoyed and vocal person of that group and even went so far actually counter-demand an apology by arguing that profanities were used on him. And as if that isn’t already bad enough, this person even proclaimed that only a ‘small minority’ were offended, as if everyone else was making a big fuss over a small matter. It is as if no apology was necessary as long as the number of people offended were too small. In fact, it sounded as if what he did was perfectly ok!

He then went on to accuse bystanders – me – of ‘adding oil to fire’ when confronted. That really took the cake! This guy has utterly no shame or any concept of right and wrong. The epitome of an ultimate asshole I have described in this blog post.

Is it a surprised that one of the aggrieved – the very same person who uttered the profanity – then took action and in a blog post to openly denounced such a person? I am in no position to say if it was right or wrong for this person to do so, but I suppose if I am eagerly anticipating something nice, and someone else ruined it, I would be upset enough to curse whoever who ruined it like a stable boy.

And then Mr Insensitive read the post – since it was publicised – and he was all fired up to retaliate. However, it didn’t happen because someone close to him attempted to stop him from escalate the matter into the equivalent of a blogosphere ‘nuclear exchange’ which almost (or had?) cost them their relationship.

But what has all these got to do with a guilt trip? In fact, was anyone taking me on a guilt trip or, well, I was the one who is actually taking someone on a guilt trip?

It annoyed me to no end because when the matter was brought up and everyone was trying to pacify the close-relation of Mr Insensitive, something was mentioned, and it sounded like I was one of the responsible party for their current predicament, and an apology is expected, along with the person who made the blog posting. It doesn’t matter that the fact is Mr Insensitive started it all and then went on to act like the total utter asshole that he is!

It is even more annoying that it is as if someone is attempting to get their equivalent of a pound of flesh by making pointed remarks whenever possible.

Go on. But don’t test my patience. I am not known to have a long fuse, and I have to say this, if your blasted relationship can’t even stand such a little tiff, I don’t know how you can consider eternity.

Al Gore – Hypocrite? Live Earth – Hypocrisy?

As usual, when someone doesn’t like the message, they shoot the messenger. Just what can be expected of degenerates and self-righteous ‘wuck fits’?

One of the favourite attacks upon Al Gore, is calling him a ‘hypocrite’. And the favourite topic is always his large carbon footprint – for e.g. his Nasville mansion [20-room, eight-bathroom], big cars and private jet. There is even a breakdown on Al Gore’s energy consumption if you cared to look for it. Just use the keyword ‘Al Gore Carbon footprint’ and you will sooner or later run into those articles ad nauseum.

Then there is Live Earth… exposed as a ‘hypocrisy’ by the ‘good guys’ out there. One of the arguments is that flying all those stars and celebrities to the event and having millions watch the concert is just so very not green in itself. I also recall a particular report in which Lenoardo DiCaprio was confronted during the Oscars about his mode of ‘environmental unfriendly’ travel. You really have to love these ‘truth-seekers’ who ‘expose’ the ‘hypocrites’, don’t you? These people must be one of those who ride a bicycle to work, don’t own a car, never fly on a plane to anywhere else on this planet, don’t watch TV, never use a computer and air-conditioners, and uses a paper fan to fan themselves when they feel warm!

But wait a minute. What then happens to the message? It appears to me that there is a concerted effort to shout the message down with all these noise. Are we to ignore the message and do nothing? And do we not look further what positive effects which might come from Al Gore’s – or Live Earth’s – message? For e.g. an increase in use of hybrid cars, solar power & heating, wind turbines, more efficient and cleaner engines, lowering the use of plastics, people turning off their airconditioners etc?

I really don’t give a flying f*ck what Al Gore and the celebrity is doing to the planet as long as I am doing my part. As to the self-righteous degenerates and ‘fumb ducks’, I wonder, just what part have you done to reduce your own carbon footprint.

Nothing much except to blog and join the chorus condemning Al Gore and the rest I supposed. (And yes, I can hear you degenerates shouting – “Mine’s so small it can’t compare with Al Gore’s!” Right!)

Baby Lee Junior’s Army Gaffe – RoundUp

So the news is out. * gasp *

Baby Lee, Junior was summarily charged and reprimanded for ‘jumping’ the chain of command with his email. I know some may want to see more done to him, but again, he’s Baby Lee, Junior and there’s even a possibility of him being our future PM – whether you like it or not – so dream on!

Note: Mail can be found on Rockson’s blog. (So don’t blame me for the censorship in the mail because I didn’t do it!!)

I wonder, did the SAF act quickly, and even make a public announcement, because of the amount of publicity on Blogosphere? If so, one up for blogs, cyberspace and the Internet!!

Anyway, after all that is being said, and looking through the email, I must only say what Baby Lee, Junior was complaining about is valid, because such double-standard treatment has been perpetrated in the SAF for a long time. Some officers are a law of their own and unless something really serious – e.g. physical abuse resulting in injury or death – occurred, they mostly always get away with it. And not just that, there are certainly cases of abuse of power among some the higher ranks of the SAF’s WOSE – Warrant Offices, Specialist, Enlistee as well. But whether it was as common as the old days when I was an NSF, or it has gotten better these days I do not know. (However, let me just say that the past few years the SAF has become a ‘kinder’ place because when I went back for RT – Remedial Training – the PTI FS aka Fuck Spiders Fitness Specialists, actually address us as ‘sirs’ and say ‘please’ to get us to do work togther with them, and no longer just scream at us with vulgarities and abuses to get us into doing what they want us to do.)

Sadly, that it had to take the son of the big man himself to make a big fuss before such things come to light and something to be done about it – i.e. the guilty to be punished. Would the matter be dealt with as seriously and promptly as this one if the matter was raised by the son of a commoner? What would his punishment be like for ‘jumping’ the chain of command? DB – Detention Barracks? Extra duties? Stripping of rank?

Whatever the case maybe, just how many more cases of such mishandling remain unknown and badly dealt with will never be known. After all, it was only a few days ago over a chat that I heard from someone over a chat on the Internet just how disappointed he was with the treatment he was given and how disillusioned he is with the SAF. I cannot and will not go into the details of that complaint but it is my sincere wish that somehow, some redress will be given to that particular serviceman.

Will Baby Lee, Junior’s email bring an end to the era in which NSFs suffer in silence ? I doubt so. Cases of mishandling will continue to exist in the SAF, unless a rigorous system of checks is in place.

Inconsiderate Commuter…

Yet another wonderful specimen of inconsiderate MRT users. This unique specimen occupied both seats all the way from Buona Vista to Boon Lay station in that spectacular position yesterday around 1100 – 1130hrs.

Fortunately for him, it wasn’t rush hour but even so… whatever gave him the idea that he can take two seats, and one of them is even reserved for old folks and pregnant women?

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