茶杯里的风暴 III

MrOtaku 部落格上的最近的一篇文章似乎又引起某个叫 ‘汤罐仙’ 的反感。这又汤又仙的怪胎公然指责 MrOtaku 提倡对女性进行暴力 (promotes violence against women),并号召群众必须群起而围攻之。

我看过 MrOtaku 小子那篇指桑骂槐的的文章。虽然含沙射影,但是还不至于冒天下之大不韪 (risk the wrath of the world),公然的提倡对女性进行暴力。毛泽东说过,女人能撑起半边天。所以,就算他胆生毛,会笨到向一半的人类 – 包括他的母亲大人 – 宣战吗 (declare war on one half of the human race)?

再说,文章主要针对的对象,是呼之欲出的。所以那一半一半 (half this half that) – 也是不三不四 – 的东西会怀恨在心,进而恶意攻击的理由本座也不必言明。既然是 ‘一半一半又不三不四的东西’,对别人的文章是否是一知半解,那我们也得仔细考虑 (examine with care) 一下了。既然如此,指责是否正确实在是根本没必要辩论 (needless to debate) 的。但是俺能肯定的,’半桶屎的 人’ (Hokkien: bwa tang sai eh lang) 如果断章取义 (take things out of context) 来大作文章,那定当不稀奇。

言归正转,说到福建话 ‘半桶屎’ (half a pail of shit) 这短短的三个字,包藏的道理可是博大精深 (conveys deep wisdom) 啊!诸君必定在想,为何俺会这么说呢?会有那么严重吗?

首先,说人 ‘半桶水’ (half a pail of water),是说有人的学艺不精 (failed to master something entirely),一知半解 (did not fully understand)。虽然这样的人时常会帮倒忙,甚至越帮越忙,但至少还有些用途。 ‘半桶屎’ 的东西啊,就什么用途都没有了。因为这类孬种连所懂得那一半也是没用的 (even the half it managed to understand is useless),就象屎一样差不多一点用都没有。简单的来说,被比喻为 ‘半桶屎’ 的,其实比 ‘半桶水’ 更是一无是处 (utterly fxxking useless) 了。

而且话说回来,屎本身也并不是完全没有用途。就说牛屎 (cow dung) 吧,发酵后 (after fermentation) 释放出来的甲烷 (methane) 还有当作天然气的用途。剩下的渣滓,在印度还被用来做成砖块,建成一所冬暖夏凉的好房子。最基本的用途还可用来施肥。也就是说,要是用 ‘半桶屎’ 来形容某某,任何生物的屎 (feces of any creatures),必定都会感觉委屈 (distressed) 的。

但请谨记,虽然这骗文章对屎的确是有某些见解,但是其注重的并不是屎… 就象之前那篇不是讲 ‘妓’ (与 ‘鸡’ 谐音) – 一样,虽然芽笼被轻描淡写的提过。

唉,不写了,俺得去休息了。既然目的已经达到了就应当休息。太过专著 (to be obsessed with) 某些事与物是一种病态 (a kind of sickness) 。别 ‘玩’ 的过火以免就象牛肉煮得太熟了可能会不好吃一样。加上身体不照顾好是会很容易完蛋的。呜呼哀哉之后就什么都玩完了…

(粤) 其实开心好简单最紧要好玩 – 取之许冠杰的 ”最紧要好玩”

茶杯里的风暴 ][

那无聊的 “战斗” 仍然持续着。前线传来的消息是其中一个叫做 “鸡不死” (hen-never-perished) 的小不点企图扩大战果,竟然把它部落格其中的一篇文章给上载到 tomorrow.sg 去了。

真是太好了。如果它认为如此是非常聪明的作法,那就让它去吧。鸡的脑袋原本就小得可怜,能想到这样点子,是非常罕见的。而且,它也有选择自我毁灭的权力。不过话先说在前头,几亿年的岁月里有只鸡终于能成功的进化 (evolve),此刻达尔文 (Darwin) 如还在世的话肯定会非常骄傲他的 “进化论” (Evolution Theory) 被验证了!妙哉!妙哉!

唯一可惜的,它进化后竟然是把自己的愚蠢公诸于世。想必看到它如此的糟蹋其进化的果实,达尔文此刻也只能深深的叹息。因为大自然的 “适者生存定律” (law of the survival of the fittest) 最终还是会因此而淘汰 (eliminate) 如此劣等的生物 (inferior lifeform) 的。唉,实在可惜啊!

虽然如此,不过本座还是以为,不管其作为是如何的不智,既然它自愿 (volunteer) 站了出来娱乐 (entertain) 诸君,如此无私的对社会奉献 (selfless sacrifice to society) 还是值得我们惊叹的。本座也突然想到,既然中国古文学里时常有关于禽兽听佛讲道之后而得道,这鸡鸡会成功进化,是否是因为在城市丰收教会里常常听某某牧师讲道的结果呢? 呵呵…

当然,既然是鸡 – 不管是有羽毛的鸟类还是芽笼站街的那种 – 我们还是得提防的。禽流感 – 或者爱滋病 – 到目前还没的医的呢!危险!危险!还是站远一点的好。 * 我闪! *

当然,俺既然胆敢自封 “鸟神”, 俺对俺的子民的痛苦当然不会视若无睹 (will not close a blind eye to the suffering of my subjects)。在此献上由中国 “闪侠” 创作的一个 MV, 纪念那些自爆发禽流感以来,无辜受害和痛苦受难的鸡族死难者吧。

Download and view it in full size


Youth.sg 上的一个部落格比赛 (blog Competition) 的结果,竟然闹出了那么一个风波。几经何时,这类的比赛有人会说胜利者是公平胜出的?往往输的那方就会放话,说赢的靠的不是才华或者实力而是运气 (luck)。但是,是什么人来规定 “才华” (talent) 和 “实力” (ability) 的定义 (definition) 是什么?是哪个狗娘养的认为输的那方就拥有权力来重写 “才华” 和 “实力”,甚至创意 (creativity) 的定义和游戏的规则 (the rule of the game),然后用它来非议和否定胜利者的资格?

真放你妈的狗屁!!输了就输了。输了的人在那里嚷着什么公平 (fair) 合理 (reasonable), 根本都是废话。简单的来说就是死都以为自己是最棒,但实质上就是输不起和没风度!!最可笑的是某人还在那死鸡撑饭盖: “我有那么烂吗?我可是头二十名耶!”

这 阿Q 精神本座可真佩服的五体投地!但是,难到你输了人家就得同情你?难道你输了批评你的人都不是人了吗?在新加坡英才教育制度下,竟然能培育出这种想法的人来,可真妙哉!?

本座可真是三生有幸,让俺看到一群乳臭未干,有娘生没爹教养的小不点,以为自己很厉害,用些禽兽都不耻的手段在自己的部落格上企图把一个人恶意的彻底给羞辱和挪揶一番。但是他们可有考虑一下,自己的 “玉照” 整个部落格都是,可能某天自己会变成 “螃蟹” 哦。嘿!

螃蟹: “(台语) 阮的痛苦谁人知?”

在骂下去之前,先说些正经的。本座以为,Youth.sg 部落格比赛就跟 “新加坡偶像” 和 “绝对 Superstar” 之类的比赛一样,才华和创意根本比不上个人受欢迎的程度 (individual popularity) 的比重。也就是说,其实真正考验的是个人以下的实力:

  1. 影响力 (Influence)
    个人的影响力决定个人能号召身边多少人。一个人的影响力最集中在自己的亲人和朋友,因为只有这些人才真正关心,珍惜,鼓励和支持你的。当然,用钱来 “疏通” 也可以。财力也是影响力的一种。有钱能使鬼推磨嘛!要不然就用权力,你老爸是什么什么董事长啊,什么什么官啊,最有效。至少,就算我看不起你,我也会给你老爸一点薄面。
  2. 号召力 (Charisma)
    在自己的亲人朋友之外,你能否影响的,就是靠你的号召力了。就算你才华出众又横溢,但是你却拥有一张只有你母亲能爱的脸孔,那你的号召力是可想而知了。如果你有天使的脸蛋,但是却拥有一张臭嘴,那别人还不敬而远之吗?正常人是不屑和这种人有什么瓜葛的。就拿那 “班主任是婊子 (slut), 城市丰收教会和热爱臀部的 Isaac” 来说吧,在自己部落格上向游览的人比着中指,写着些什么男人不爱臭GY,女人不爱短 “烂焦” 之类的下流话,这会加强你的个人号召力吗?才怪呢!我看除了极下流的人会觉得你很酷 (cool),正常的人 – 极有可能包括你城市丰收教会的教友 – 看了都会 “肚烂” (fedup)。虽然人们不应该批评你的自我表述 (self expression), 但是如果你要硬拗把这叫 “才华” 和比作 “创意”,肯定会贻笑大方。
  3. 动员力 (Mobilisation Power)
    在个人的影响力和号召力范围外的,就是个人和个人朋友和粉丝 (fans) 的动员力了。能动员你的朋友,这当然是先看你对朋友的影响力和号召力。之后的,就是他们自己个人的影响和号召力了。如果你是个下三烂的小流氓,而你所能号召和影响的当然只有你那些猪朋狗友,那他们自己的影响力和号召力也就可想而知了。不难想象他们所能动员的也只是那些不怎么认识你,但是又无法接受他人的同类了。物以类聚嘛…
  4. 组织力 (Organising skill)
    当然动员起来之后要有效的 (effectively) 把你的支持者组织 (organise) 起来。除了投票给你,这些人应该有组织性并有效率的推销 (efficiently promote) 你的部落格给大众。

所以,头二十名又如何?世界杯三十二强跟世界杯冠军的分别还用人解释给你听吗? 基本上就是你以上都没做好才输的。什么才华?什么创作?别自欺欺人了,这世界上有些人就是不用才华就能赢难道你吹咩?除了因为别人胖就骂人是 “幹难看” (fugly), 你们这些彻底失败的可怜虫 (pathetic total failures) 还会干些什么?连自省能力都没有你父母可真白养你了。可能他们都时常后悔在你们出生时没马上掐死你们呢…



Flame War in Blogosphere

A hilarious flame war has ignited on blogosphere over a trivial blog competition on Youth.sg.

Here’s a brief background of what happened:

  • Some kid called MrOtaku won.
  • The sore losers start saying it’s unfair.
  • Priss, a friend of MrOtaku, posted her opinion on the matter and the sore losers got even sorer.
  • One of the sore losers, ‘Asslurving Isaac from City Harvest Church whose form teacher is a slut’, retaliated by calling Priss a ‘fugly bitch’, and from there it degenerated into a ‘gang-rape’, in which many of the sore losers’ friends joined in.
  • Somewhere along the line, even an innocent party like Priss’ boyfriend, Chester, is flamed simply by association.
  • Being an innocent party that has been attacked for no reason, Chester has to respond. And it’s been a long time since I see Chester flame people. Yet another masterpiece from the Master.
  • The name calling continues.

Real fxxking hilarious. But this is my take on it:

First of all, no popularity contest is fair. The person who can best organise and mobilise people to vote for him wins. That’s not mentioning, a lot of people don’t really give a flying fxxk what is on their friend’s blog or whether they are spewing crap when their friends had asked for votes. In other words, whether MrOtaku’s blog entry is good or not does not matter, because he has won hands down by simply being more able in mobilising people to vote for him, and if you losers want to know why you lost, you need look no further than your own friends. Ever wondered if some of them are really true to you or just paying lip service? In fact, for all you know, the noisiest ones among them, the one whacking Priss the hardest maybe the ones who didn’t vote for you and they are now doing that because of their own guilty conscience.

Frankly, with Priss being the object of your wrath now, doesn’t it serve their purposes? It’s no use grilling them because they will never admit. But, sore losers, in reality you should have just blamed your own friends for not voting hard enough. Try ‘try harder’ next time, Chimps.

Next, being Priss’ friend, I wonder why do her opponents think by denigrating her as a fugly bitch, that would nullify her comments (or criticisms) of their blogs? The fact is still, MrOrtaku won, and regardless of how and why he won, that’s the only thing that matters.

Would hurting Priss for what she physically is – fat – grant you victory? How did she become ugly in that empty space you called a brain is beyond me. What kind of satisfaction does this cyber-masturbation gain for all of you? There is once again no doubt MrOtaku should win looking at the pseudo-intellectual cyber-ejaculation all of you have been posting up of late. Heh.

And here’s some food for thought: there used to be a time when fat women are considered beautiful, not the anorexic-looking, skinny, skeletal bimbo today. Go to the Asian Civilisation Museum and you will see a porcelain figure of a plump lady from that era. That’s not mentioning, a Chinese Emperor from that era almost lost his Empire over his fat concubine. If you never heard of that story, get the proper education that you clearly lacked.

Finally, here’s what I have to say for the sore losers: It’s YOUR blog. It’s YOUR creativity. Unless even you yourself have doubts that it is the best, unless you haven’t given your best to it, there is abso-fxxking-lutely no reason at all why you should even take any criticisms negatively. When the mouth grows on other people’s head, they will say what they want to say and you just have to live with that hard fact of life.

A competition win maybe nice and it may confirm your self worth, get you on the papers and give you the limelight for awhile, but a few months from now probably no one will freaking remember you. Shrug the criticisms and move on. You are not so important that the world gives much of a damn about you.

Above which, if you don’t like the criticisms you are reading, then don’t read them. If people leaves shit on your comment section, you do to it what you would do to dog poo at your door: You wipe it clean.

Now grow up and get a fxxking life! Whether someone is a fugly bitch, still won’t change the fact that you sore losers LOST what is just a popularity contest! One that you lost not because you are not good enough, but simply because you are not popular enough.

Geddit, you vociferous fxxkers?

And incidentally, I am wondering… is the favourite tagline of Asslurving Isaac from City Harvest Church whose form teacher is a slut… I’m lurvving it?

Social Engineering Calls

Caller: “Hi, I am Johnny Peabrain of the New York office and I am on vacation here in Singapore.”

Tech Support: “Sorry? You are… ?”

Caller: “Yes. I am Johnny Peabrain. Can you help me find out who is on the same team as Mervin Leahy? I need to send them things pretty urgently.”

Tech Support: “I am sorry. I need to do a verification to know who you are.”

Caller: “But I just told you. Can you just tell me who are the people on the same team? Because I have done part of the work and I need to send it to them urgently if not they will have to work backwards to find it.”

Tech Support (thinking to himself): “Wait a minute, you are on vacation, and you need to send them something urgently?”

Tech Support: “You do know I cannot reveal information to you on the phone?

Caller: “Sure. You can email to me… J.Peabrain@..”

Tech Support: “No. I cannot email this to an external email address.”

Caller: “But you see I don’t have my laptop with me and I need the information now.”

Tech Support (thinking to himself): “So how are you gonna to send this to them even if I let you know who they are? You think I am stupid or what?”

Tech Support: “In that case I’ll need to do a verification to confirm you are really who you are. Can I have you employee number please? (Attempting to be diplomatic, having no idea if this guy is genuine. No reason to offend anybody.)

Caller: “But I just told you I don’t have anything from the company with me. How am I supposed to know that?

Tech Support: “No problem. Can you tell me who your line manager is?”

Caller: * hang up *

For goodness sake, you are on vacation, Johnny. And if it was so important that you need to get on this ‘work matter’ in the middle of the vacation, all the way here in Singapore, then come to the Singapore office!

And if you do not even have information of your line manager right off your fingertips, then who the hell can believe you are really who you are?

Furthermore, you already know who one of the guys is in that team. Can’t you just tell that one guy whatever he needs and have him pass the information?

Some people never thinks. And while the Tech Support line is the best line to get some information, don’t take us for idiots, will you?

*** Names are changed so as not to reveal any company relevant data here.

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