It’s been a while since I last met this old friend of mine and we decided to have dinner somewhere in the North East [Hougang / Sengkang] side. He said there was a coffee shop with good fish head curry and * gasp * coffee. (You don’t find them anymore these days.)
Since my friend’s car has came out from the workshop, he can’t wait to take me for a spin. It was a relaxing drive all the way from the CBD up till Upper Serangoon Road – somewhere before Kovan MRT Station – and then this happened…
One moment we were cruising at 60kph and the next moment I was shouting out a warning to my friend to watch out for this old kook who was filtering out of his lane into ours without signals, and obviously without checking as well. My friend tried to swerve out of the way, but apparently – as can be seen from the pictures above – there wasn’t very much road left for us to do that anyway.
In the immediate aftermath, I was in shock for about a minute or two before I regained my senses to ask my friend to get off the car so that we can speak to the other fellow on how we should settle this problem. And from the photos you can see there’s no way I can open the door on my side, and I had to crawl out from the driver side, right onto the center divider.
My friend tried to take some photos, but obviously they were no good on his phone. I decided to try with the new Nokia 7390 I bought. And personally, I would have hoped I could test the quality of the pictures of the 3 mega-pixel camera on this phone under better circumstances. * sigh *
We end up having dinner at some HDB coffee shop because we have lost the enthusiasm for a good dinner entirely after this event. We really can’t believe it had happened to us when we weren’t even speeding.
The only consolation was that we weren’t injured, and we are all in one piece and still in good health. Thank God for small mercies… like the seat belts, for example, and good friends who would come all the way in the evening to Seng Kang to give us advice and help.