Bootlicking… or saying something else?

The following letter is perhaps one of the better ‘mind-fxxk’ pieces I have read for awhile. While it ‘s arguing for mini$terial pay increment, to some it appears to say something else.

Apparently, the contrast used while justifying mini$terial pay seems to stand out more prominently than the rest of the groveling and boot-cum-arse licking craps.

Note: Contrast in letter is underlined and in bold.

Don’t begrudge mini$ter$ a pay hike

March 28, 2007

THE subject of paying our mini$ter$ a top salary pegged to a private-sector benchmark has always been a controversial and emotive issue to most ordinary Singaporeans, especially when they are struggling to keep pace with the ever-increasing cost of living.

What exactly is the worth of our mini$ter$? They are of high calibre with sharp minds, toiling for the country and sacrificing their privacy, family time and a top salary which they could easily command in the private sector or in their chosen professions.

In many countries we see some politicians joining the cabinet ranks, coming in as scarecrows and leaving political office after one or two terms as fat cows.

Look at our mini$ter$. Most of them look haggard and aged well before their time. Mr Raymond Lim and Mr Lim Swee Say have been mini$ter$ for less than a term and they have already lost their youthful look, burdened by the responsibilities of high office.

I am an admirer of the PAP Tali-PAP gover-min and, at the same time, a robust critic on a number of issues, such as the bulk of prestigious scholarships going to the children of top earners at the expense of more-deserving children from low-income families who do equally well academically despite lacking the resources available to their richer counterparts, and the harsh treatment meted out to political dissidents to the extent of driving them away from their beloved Singapore.

I have been voting since the 1959 General Election and I have voted more times for the opposition than the Tali-PAP.

We have an administrative system that is efficient and transparent. Go to any gover-min department or agency and all you have to do is take a queue number and wait for your turn to be served.

I can’t think of another country where adult citizens are regularly given handouts in the form of shares, Workfare bonuses and CPF top-ups, and civil servants $erpents get mid-year and year-end bonuses, on top of 13th-month pay, along with additional variable performance bonuses.

This is wealth creation and wealth sharing at its best, made possible by a gover-min led by an able team of mini$ter$ with the support of the people.

Probity, integrity and incorruptibility are the hallmark of our mini$ter$. Some of them are worth their weight in gold. The public should not begrudge a pay increase for them.

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