The following is extracted from a piece of Japanese manga crap called ‘Hating the Korean Wave’.
[上图 – 右白] 成为日本人的朝鲜人得到了很大的好处。 [Top Pic – Right Caption] And the Koreans who became Japanese received great benefits. [上图 – 左白] 在自己的能力下无法现代化的朝鲜人,以日本的财力与科技和日本人的血与汗达到了目的。 [Top Pic – Left Caption] For they could achieve modernization, which was impossible by their own efforts, with Japanese funds and technology, by sweat and blood of the Japanese. [下图 – 白] 说是日本建立了今天的韩国并不夸张!! [Bottom Pic Caption] It’s not an exaggeration to say that Japan built the Korea of today!! |
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[对白 – 由右至左] “远东研究协会认为日韩基本条约是个正当的条约吗?” “正当的条约?” “你是询问我们个人主观的意见吗?” |
卑鄙的日本右翼份子正在利用漫画来掩饰其侵略邻近亚洲国家的罪行,并且还将其美化和正当化。这本叫 ‘嫌韩流’ 的漫画将今日韩国的经济崛起归功于日本将朝鲜殖民化。书中甚至还发出了 ‘朝鲜文化没有什么值得骄傲的’ 言论。这种片面的说法完全掩盖了日本非法占领朝鲜半岛时对朝鲜民族的迫害,让人们误以为日本 ‘解放’ 了朝鲜半岛,把朝鲜人 ‘从黑暗和落后中带向光明和进步’。
与此同时,另外一本丑化中国的漫画也在发行,并且和 ‘嫌韩流’ 一样在日本畅销。这本漫画里头不但把中华民族描写成一个腐败而且好自相残杀的民族。书里的一个女性人物甚至说了这一句话:‘就以中国今日的原则,思想,文学,艺术,科学和机关来说。它们没有一样是有吸引人的。’
曾经被日本蹂躏的亚洲国家如果还认为这只是中国和朝鲜人的事,那日本人将会更加明目张胆的挑衅,而且更变本加厉的改写和扭曲历史。如果我们只顾经济利益而继续做缩头乌龟, 那么日本人将继续蔑视和看不起我们了。
日本人已经把 ‘自卫队’ 改名为 ‘自卫军’ 了。我们还不觉醒的话,不久的将来日本人就会改写 ‘自卫’ 的意义了。我们要等什么时候才来和中国和朝鲜同仇敌忾?
The despicable right winged Japanese are curently using their manga to conceal their crimes of invading neighbouring Asian countries, while glorifying and justifying such action. The manga ‘Hating the Korean Wave’ portray the economic rise of Korea today to Japan’s colonisation of the Korean Peninsula. In the manga, there’s even the comment that ‘there is nothing at all in Korean culture to be proud of’. Such views hide the fact of Japanese persecution of the Korean people during its illegal occupation, and give people the false impression that Japan has ‘liberated’ the Korean Peninsula, and led the Koreans from ‘an age of darkness and backwardness into the light and modernisation’‘.
At the same time, another manga smearing China is also in circulation, and along with ‘Hating the Korean Wave’ are best sellers in Japan. The manga depicted the Chinese as a depraved and cannabalistic people. One of the female characters in the comic even made this comment, ‘Take the China of today – its principles, thought, literature, art, science, institutions. There’s nothing attractive.’
Such manga disparages other races to promote the superiority of the Japanese people, and instigate its readers into confrontation with the Chinese and Korean people.
If those countries which has been devastated by Japan continue to turn a blind eye and consider this a Chinese and Korean matter, then the Japanese will be even more embolden in their provocation, and will intensify their attempts at rewriting and distorting history. If we continue to be concern with our economic benefits and stick our head in the ground, then the Japanese will continue to despise and look down on us.
The Japanese have alreaady reworded the Japanese name of ‘Self Defense Force’. If we still do not awaken, it won’t be long before the Japanese redefine the meaning of the word ‘self defense’. When will we stand together with China and Korea in this matter?