There’s definitely the spirit of conflict in the air today. Several fights broke out – some on blogs, some on the shoutbox and even as I was walking home, a literal fight between an old couple outside Boon Lay MRT. And they are an old couple, not the usual teenage couple have a tiff or something.
* sigh * There’s definitely much I wanted to write about, and a decade ago when I was much more foolish than I am now, I would perhaps write an angry (and usually not very smart and definitely dumb) retort. However, being less foolish than before, I have decided not to bother at all, simply because I have stopped giving a rat’s ass about what someone deliberately writes anymore.
My energy level is inversely proportional to my age and my heart and blood vessel could no longer take the spike in pressure that normally comes with my flash rage. More often than not it leaves me drained and tired. (Now that explains to me why Palpatine looks that hagged after he zapped Mace Windu with Force Lightning.)
So, even though my slight advance in years has not gained me much wisdom, I’ll try and make up for my lack of that by acknowledging that I am no longer young. I’ll at least try and live according to my age, and for my own good, I’ll do what I preached and ‘hate’ [-] a few blogs.
Yaaaay! Out of sight, and definitely out of mind. That’s not mentioning that, poofing on do take up some effort, and there are some who are just not even worthy of that effort.
Life is just too short. If God permits, I want to live until 70 in good health, not half paralyzed with a stroke and life support on a sick bed.