
永远不会忘记食神里的一段对白: “柜子有多小就要多小,椅子有多窄就要多窄,顾客坐着有多不舒服就要他多不舒服,吃完了他一定就会赶快走。吸管有多粗就要多粗,冰块有多大就要多大,小孩子喝了有多渴就要多渴,一杯喝完了他一定会再喝第二杯。这,不用我教你吧?”



Golden Village Movie Club

Enough of Odex Kodex and all that shit about SickTel and the other ISPs. I recently got an email from Golden Village to join the Golden Village Movie Club.

Since it is just another marketing gimmick, and I have really got nothing to lose by joining, I signed up. Furthermore, when it is not easy to look for friends to watch a movie, one can always make himself a choice for people to watch movies with.

Below is a screen shot of the priviledges I currently have. (And yes, I sometimes do advertisements for free… and in the case it’s for Golden Village.)

GV Movie Club Priviledges


我友人告诉我,他同事被投诉了。被投诉的理由是因为他常 ‘脸黑黑’,是和工作能力完全无关的。还告诉我,之前还曾经有人投诉他们有 ‘体臭’ (Body Odor)呢。

真的有点令人啼笑皆非。我的第一个反应就是讲, “又不是妓女,来卖笑的…”

看来解决问题最好的方法就是在他公司里弄个 ‘华清池’ 让他们每天像杨贵妃一样沐浴几次… 要不然就只有自费买香水,和给自己弄一个这样的面具。那么就会永远笑脸迎人了。

V For Vendetta

Google Ads

Yaaaay!!! I finally got paid by Google for the google-ads on my blog!!

That should settle 3 years of domain registration fees… and some ramly burgers at a Pasar Malam…

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