Sub-Prime Primer

We have heard a lot about the upheavals in the financial markets recently, including the recent Bear Stearns collapse and especially about the ‘sub-prime’ crisis.

This came through the emails at work from friends working in the financial sector and if you are wondering what this is all about you might want to look through it and get a rough idea what the ‘sub-prime’ crisis is all about. It is best to click on the full size version to view it since the text is too blurry at this resolution.

You need to click on it to progress to the next slide.
The text is blurry at this resolution. Click here for full size.

Movie: The Leap Years

Watched this movie last week with my mei, xinyun. Well, I don’t usually watch a romance movie, and I don’t normally come out of one with praises for it. But I liked this movie a lot even though I originally didn’t expect much from it. (It’s that pre-conceived notion that all local productions can’t be too good.)

I am not going to talk too much about the storyline since I would prefer you watch it yourself. However, the movie clearly shows that in a relationship, what is the most important would be communication. Had there been communication, Li-Ann (Wong Li Lin) would not have wasted many years waiting for her dream man Jeremy (Ananda Everingham). Had there been communication, Li-Ann and her step-daughter Dyllan would have cleared things up earlier. (For those who hasn’t watched this I’ll keep Joan Chen’s role in the movie a secret.)

There are of course some lighter parts in the movie as well. The relationship between sidekicks, KS (Qi Yuwu) and Sunetta (Nadya Hutagalung), provided some laughter and breaks in between.

I strongly recommend this movie, as along with 881, they showed that local productions are not all just about Jack Neo anyway. For starters, Jack Neo should learn some humility. After all, it’s not like all of his movies are that great to begin with.

The Bird-god @ the Bird Park 25.03.08

The Bird-god took leave today and decided to pay his subjects at the Jurong Bird Park a visit. (It is a free visit because I got a complimentary pass from a friend. If you had to ask how I got it, I’ll tell you that’s because I am Nelson – aka Niao Shen [鳥神], the Bird-god.)

After a long wait at Boon Lay Interchange for about 15 minutes at around 1pm, the bus 194 finally arrived. (Bus 194 is a one stop bus – i.e. it stops at the Bird Park only and the trip to the Bird Park is about 5 minutes. You can take 251 there also but make sure you don’t take 251 back from the same stop or you will have fun touring parts of Tuas!)

Anyway, according to the brochure that was given to me when I entered the Bird Park, there are 9000 birds in the park, and some of them are even born and breed in the park itself.

I would say they have done a pretty good job trying to make the place attractive to tourists. It is obvious a lot of effort has been put in the Waterfall Aviary, Lory Loft, Swan Lake, Pelican Cove and the Flamingo Lake. There’s also the Panorail to take you from point to point if you do not want to walk in the hot sun.

Unfortunately, it rained a little today so there wasn’t much to see at the Waterfall Aviary. However, it was great it rained or else I would probably have fried. Still, I managed to take some photos with my Panasonic FZ-8 when the weather was clear.

And as usual, if the photos are bad, it’s the fault of the camera-man.


最近在 看到了某人的网志。此人在其一篇文章上曝露了自己的哥哥 (应该是哥哥啦, 它自己才十五岁) 之所以能有那么多的钱,是因为他在芽笼拉皮条做龟公。在文章里,还辱骂自己的父亲是个失败者。(当然在这其中,肯定也有废物的含义。)

这… 成何体统?!我在想,它的父亲的确非常失败。原因如此:

(一) 在和妻子性爱时,忘记用上安全套,让妻子怀了孕,生下它这个孽种。失败!

(二) 生下后没马上掐死它。 失败!

(三) 孔老夫子说过: “子不教,父之过。” 没对它灌输 “家丑不可外扬” ,让它在大庭广众和众目睽睽之下把自己家里的丑事公诸于世,是家教的… 失败!

(四) 家丑既然外扬,还可以原谅它年少无知。但它如此辱骂父亲,可想这个父亲是多么的不受尊重?连儿子都不尊重,失败中的失败!

不过话说回来,这乳臭未干的小子也挺不像样的。凭什么辱骂父亲?凭什么觉得哥哥是个耻辱?就算轮到教训,也是父母的工作。它是完全一点资格都没有。况且,它买电脑、上网、和电脑的电费是谁付的?除非它每分钱都是自己赚的,要不然连写那篇文章基本上都是父母 ‘津贴’ 的,它凭什么辱骂自己的父亲?简直目无尊长!

写了这样的文章都还算了,竟然还到 里来告诉当时在线的人去看!猛挖自己疮疤也罢,还自鸣得意… 太不像话了吧?





虽然不能说得上了解台湾,但是对台湾这块土地却很有感觉。回国后,对台湾的时事通常也会关心一下。随后的十几年间,我还是有断断续续的回到台湾去。也在这段时期里,和在 AsiaFriendFinder 里认识的一个台湾朋友见了面。这位有住台中的友人的热情,我铭记于心。能赶搭早上五点多的火车赶上来台北来带我游玩,我可以说没齿难忘。因为我有生以来从来,就算是最好的朋友,也没有那么的热情。因为虽然在网络上聊过,我对这位友人来说还是一个从来没见过面的陌生人。



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