
今天和我朋友喝茶时又聊了一些无聊的事。就当我和他提起同事那 “前面长屁股” 的笑话时,他也顺便的提起很多年前在一个经历。

故事的主人翁是某小贩,主要卖的是鱼汤和鱼头米粉之类的食物。但是也有卖些和鱼有关的炒食 – 如炒河粉。


老板娘听后就反驳了那么一句令我朋友  ‘刻骨铭心’  的话,“废话!鱼当然有骨!”

朋友讲了当时的心情: 哭笑不得。因为自己原本的意思是想说炒河粉的鱼是应该用无骨的鱼肉,但是因为表面意思的错误而碰了一鼻子的灰。心里当然不爽,但是又无可奈何。多年过去还无法忘怀,但是已经是把这经历来警惕自己讲话要三思而后行,或者是讲出来让朋友听的笑话。


某天和同事喝茶聊天的时候说起了小时候的事。同事就说了他年纪很小的时候他爸带他去看了一部王沙和野峰演的电影 – 《阿牛入城记》。当时电影里有位身材挺好的女星 – 艾蒂 – 是穿着三点式泳装出现在银幕上。

在那个时代 (七十年代),如果有穿着三点式泳装出现在银幕上是非常稀有的事。童言无忌的同事就跟他爸说了,“爸!这人怎么那么奇怪,前面长多了一个屁股?” 听了之后,我同事的爸也笑了。

之后,每当看到这类画面时,我同事他爸就会问他,“这是什么啊?” 而我同事就会大声的回答, “屁股!” 然后两父子就会一起大笑。当时,同事是以为父亲是应为觉的那些人前面长多了个屁股可笑才笑的。这也要到他到了青春发育期之后才知道那所谓的屁股到底是怎么一回事。

那长在前面的 《屁股》。

Free Myanmar

International Bloggers Day for Burma on 4th October.

转载自亚洲周刊,刘振廷 《热血武僧抗击冷雪军政府》:


It’s time for ASEAN for find the moral courage to do what is right. It’s time Russia and China start behaving responsibly in the Security Council.


Down with the Myanmar Junta!!

It was 18 years ago when I read about soldiers shooting people on the streets. That was 1989, when the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was shooting people in Tian-anmen and the streets of Beijing. The so-called people’s army is shooting the people. I was so outraged. It was something I hoped would never happen again.

A little more than 18 years later, it is soldiers in Myanmar shooting people on the streets this time round. And this time round, there were videos of the atrocities. Some were posted on Youtube and I get to see for myself the brutal murder of an innocent Japanese journalist – a man who is just doing his job to bring to us news. And the shameless junta has the cheek to say he was killed by a stray bullet.

Although only a total of 9 people were reported killed by Friday (I hadn’t read the papers for 2 days), rumors is that the Myanmar Army has been digging mass graves to bury the bodies. There are also rumors that elements of the Myanmar Army has disobeyed orders to open fire on the crowd and a CO of one of these units has been arrested and place under house arrest.

I hope elements in the Myanmar Army with a conscience should seize power from the junta now and free Aung San Suu Kyi. She won the elections fair and square back then.

The shameless bastards called that a stray bullet!!

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[NSFW] A Penis’ Complaint

To: Minister of Labor & Chairman of the Federation of Labor Unions

Dear Sirs,

Since the dawn for time and for many many generations, my kind and I are not allowed to see the light of day. We are kept in a dark place behind two pieces of cloth most of the time and are let out only several times a day for at most several minutes at times. Our living conditions are so terrible that we do not even have basic ventilation, much less air-conditioners.

When we are let out for longer periods, it is either washing time, or when we are made to work in the most hellish and undesirable conditions. While the job is simple – it is just to move up and down some kind of tunnel, conditions in the tunnels are so bad that we end up puking a white mixture. Even the strongest of my kind are unable to work longer than 30 minutes in this condition.

Let me further describe the hellish environment and conditions that my kind usually works in. It is usually a tunnel that is warm, dark and moist. At times, it starts to flood as we are made to move up and down in that tunnel after some time. To make matters even worse, there is only so much room that we can move either backwards or forward. This only stops after we had vomitted. There are also situations in which we are caught in some kind of grip, shaken, and jerked around in several directions. Whatever the conditions are, the end result is always the same, we all end up puking.

On top of that, because of biochemical hazards in the tunnels we worked in, we are sometimes made to wear an over-stretched rubbery environmental suit. Members of my kind who are exposed to such hazards sometimes end up with sores and blisters on the body. Many have died a horrible death because of this.

I appeal to you, dear sirs, to take note of the plight of my people and assist to liberate us from the hell we are born into.

Yours Sincerely,

The Penis

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